Friday, November 14, 2014

Exercise wrap up, giveaway reminder and links to peruse

It's is Friday baby dolls!  Wee haw!!

Here's a wrap up of our exercise this week for those who don't follow on Facebook.

Sunday- At Home Circuit- A serious butt kicker! 730 cals
Monday- Hike at the park - 600 cals (Estimate based off of past hikes there- HRM battery dead)
Tuesday- Walk Away the Pounds with 10 lb weights- 1025 cals
Wednesday- Power 90/stretching - 900 cals
Thursday- Tae Bo Vol 2 - 950 cals
Friday- TBD (cardio of some kind)

It's been another week in Tight Legville and hard rehabbing has me bruised up.  I will NEVER unintentionally skip PT on vacation again.  The price I pay and for the length of time rehabbing vs. time off of the regular routine (with the equipment needed with me, I might add) isn't worth the pain.  Erg.

But enough of all of that, let's get to...

Taylor Swift's 'Shake It Off' Fits Almost TOO Perfectly With Aerobic Dance Video From 1989  (Thanks to the reader who shared this last week.  Hilarious!)

How to Get Complete Functional Fitness in 10 Moves  (Func away!)

This Powerful Mapping Tool Lets You Plot the Weather Along a Road Trip  (courtesy of the Mr)

A Definitive Ranking Of The Cutest Baby Animals  (I don't agree with the order but yeah...all cute!)

This Is How To Fake A Before & After Photo  (Interesting and now every time I see these, I totally notice the same stances.  LIES!  All lies!  HA!)

Unusual uses for baby oil  (For those of you that still have that bottle in the back of the linen closet)

Healthy Gifts That Keep on Giving: The Best Monthly Subscription Boxes   (I want a box subscription but haven't found quite the right mix yet.  Anyone else get them?)

Airline Loses Passenger's Dog — Here's How to Protect Your Furry Friend  (I would just crap if that happened!)

Dementia, hallucinations contributed to Robin Williams’ suicide    (This breaks my heart.  Between the Lewy Body Dementia and the meds that his wife said he was complaining about making him feel 'unwell' prior to his death, he should still be here.  Why on Earth would you give someone with his history of depression the kind of drugs they did?  Sigh.  Please God, let something good come out of his unnecessary death!)

Lewy body dementia symptoms  (Knowledge is power.  Know the symptoms so you can recognize them)

New Study Calls Popular Diets into Question  (Mmm hmm)

Blergh! The Worst Travel Experiences Of All Time  (

11 Obscure References in Classic Songs—Explained  (So THAT'S what that meant!)

Hotel Maid Caught On Video Snooping Around Room  (Thank you for reminding me why we lock our luggage when we're not in the room)

Here's what happened when Dr. Oz asked Twitter for health questions  (Is it wrong I couldn't stop laughing?  It is?  Meh...)

After Losing 160 Pounds, This Guy Feels Insecure About His Loose Skin  (Awesome video!)

Old Navy Under Fire For Charging Plus-Size Women More Than Plus-Size Men  (Oh man, so wrong.)

Tiny Piglet In A Wheelchair Will Steal Your Heart!  (Ahhhhh!!!!  So cute!)

We're going to a Christmas light show this weekend and watching DVR'd football which I think will be much more enjoyable.  No commercials!

What do you guys have on the agenda?

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  1. Pretty good exercise week overall and you've got some great links, as usual. Can't wait to see who wins the goodies - they're going to love that stuff and it was fun picking it all out with you!

    1. Yes, very good exercise week. I just wish my feet/legs would cooperate and get over themselves. I know I'm trying to rehab on my own but given this is a new spot I haven't really dealt with much, I may have to break down in a week or so and have the doc massage and laser zap me.

  2. I'm glad the video in the Shake Off link still works. I tried showing someone else last weekend and it was removed...

    1. Boo! I hope Taylor's people aren't getting too strict about that kind of stuff because after I saw it, I then saw it everywhere which is only good publicity for people to buy her new album.

  3. Good afternoon Anele,
    I like your blog very much. I have some questions about Walk Away the Pounds.
    a) Is it easy to follow? I watched a clip and it seemed so. I am not very good with complicated routines. I end up spending more time trying to understand the steps than actually working out.
    b) Can it, eventually, be followed on mute? I prefer to listen to my own music while exercising (hence I usually just walk/).
    Many thanks.
    Apologies if this is a double post.
    Happy weekend.

    1. Dear Anele,
      Me again. In the meantime, I read your review: Very informative. I was actually referring to Walk away the pounds 4 mile challenge (the dvd I might purchase) but to be honest I think my questions still apply. Many thanks once more.

    2. WATP is perfect if choreography isn't your thing. She has 4-5 basic moves she uses in all of her walking videos: walking, kickbacks (hamstring curls), kicks, side steps and knee lifts. I can't vouch specifically for that particular DVD but she always says if you can't do any of the moves, just revert back to walking and follow along again when you can. I watch pretty much half of my exercise DVD's on mute because for some reason we pick instructors that can grate with their enthusiasm, if she's one of them for you, I'd say hers is probably the easiest to mute as long as you're paying attention.

      Hope that helps!

    3. Wow Anele ... many thanks for the detailed and prompt reply. I will let you know how it goes. Many thanks :-)

    4. Good evening. I hope you had a pleasant weekend. I did Walk away the pounds - 4 mile challenge - 3 times! It was great. SO easy to follow. I played it on mute first time round and I still managed to follow all the steps. thanks - Maria.

  4. That is an awesome week working out! Good for you!

    Always lose the articles you post. The dog one was terrible! I would be SO MAD if an airline lost my dog and then offered me $200!? SERIOUSLY!?!? Also, love the one on lighting and weight loss. Makes you wonder...

    1. Thanks!

      Yeah because $200 will ease the pain. *rolling eyes* The lighting on weight loss is interesting. I've read things before about how they'll manipulate posture, make them suck it in, etc to give the illusion of bigger results than what occur. Erg.

  5. Ahem, I had an interview today and have a 2nd one next Friday... =o) I'm doing my Thanksgiving list tonight and shopping tomorrow along with some errands. I'm leading the meeting tomorrow morning so always a little nervous with that, but I'll be ok. The pups have gone to the dog park every day, but we're due to get some serious snow tomorrow--boooooooo! I am NOT ready for more than flurries right now! I watched the original A Christmas Carol lfrom 1951 ast night - loved it!


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