Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving Thankfuls

I am thankful for the desire to make good homemade food not just for holidays but pretty much every day.  It's not about "eating clean" or any of that, it's about knowing I can make something that tastes 110% better than what I can dump out of a box or can.

I'm thankful for not giving up on this whole healthy thing even if I feel like it.

I'm thankful for you guys from the new people who have found their way here to the ones that have stuck with me for the long haul!

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  1. I'm thankful that we got on this journey. I know it can be frustrating and doesn't always go the way we want but overall we are exponentially healthier and happier for it.

    I am thankful for you because I probably wouldn't be anywhere near as successful at this if it wasn't for your support, knowledge and most importantly your cooking - seriously, major props to you for just knowing how to make even the healthiest foods so damn tasty that I don't ever feel like I am cutting out the things that I love!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you both! and to your other readers too. I'm obviously thankful for the usual things - family, having a job and a roof, good food, etc. I'm also grateful that my son gets to spend time with his grandparents. I never got to spend much time with mine, but my son will know my parents and he is gaining so much from that. Spending time with them in the city is giving him not only a close relationship with them, but opportunities he wouldn't have here (skiing, museums, the zoo, etc.). I guess that falls in the category of family, but I'd put it more in the words of being grateful for the opportunities my folks are providing for him that I can't.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving! I am grateful for the gorgeous park near my house, where I walked my 5K this morning. Not to mention grateful I an ABLE to walk a 5K!

  4. Thankful that I could walk and breathe and wave hello to one neighbor during my morning walk and saying Happy Thanksgiving to another neighbor and then coming to a warm home and a cup of coffee.

  5. I'm thankful for all the good things in my life, family, friends, roof over my head, food in the cupboard! I'm especially thankful that grandbaby #2 will be arriving in May, and that her parents have decided to move back home for a year (grandbaby #1 will be 13 months when her little brother/sister arrives) to get some much needed help! Living half way across the country with no family around isn't easy! I'm grateful I get out of bed every day (with only a few aches and pains, lol), and that since I started reading your blog, I've gotten the kickstart I needed to finally make some changes in my life. I've started small, but it's working for me! So I'm thankful I found this blog! Happy Thanksgiving my American neighbours!!

  6. Thanks Anele! Happy Thanksgiving right back at ya!

  7. Happy Thanksgiving to you both!! Holidays are never a joyous time on my family and after several decades on this earth, they still aren't! LOL! But I am thankful for many things:

    Having my own home, despite its flaws

    Faith and a sense of humor are the two biggest reasons why I'm still here

    Food to cook, recipes to try, all with the scents roaming through the house, enveloping me like a big hug

    The trials I've been through this year that help to keep me humble and realize that change is constant and to not try to fight it so much

    And most importantly, I'm deeply thankful that I get another Thanksgiving and Christmas to celebrate with my mom


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