Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Snowfall, space opera and potential snatch and grab averted

Yesterday was a great hooky day.

Snow always makes me happy.  It makes everything look beautiful especially trees that have lost their fall bling.

I ordered one of my Christmas crush items, the Winter Wonderland pillow from Pottery Barn when I realized I wasn't going to be able to make it to the store in time for the sale.  Of course they were out of the insert until like mid-December so I bought the cover and hoped for the best at the actual store.  When we got there, the pillow was nowhere to be found.  Thankfully they did have the insert in the back so I'll be ready to roll when the cover arrives.  Across from it was the big Christmas tree they put up and I was in heaven...and also without camera.  Sigh.

We were blessed with big Charlie Brown fluffy flakes as we wandered the outdoor shopping plaza.  The snow blanketed the tree with its unlit lights, head sized pine cones, shiny shatterproof bulbs and star on top.  No one was there except us and a few employees here and there that were nowhere near us...it was perfect.  I don't think I could wipe the smile from my face.  I will always be that little kid inside when I see big snowflakes drifting gently to the ground.  It is so relaxing to watch and so fun to play in.

As fate would have it, the Mr wasn't going to get to see Interstellar in IMAX like he'd been looking forward to.  We went to buy tickets and the screen said it was cancelled!  He asked the employee about it and he said they had a power surge that morning and a technician was on their way to fix it.  So we had to see it in 4K, whatever the hell that is, but the picture quality was less than impressive.  I felt bad for him.

It started at noon over the 11am start time we were anticipating but regardless, I packed the bag full.

Oh yeah babe...a full lunch of a peanut butter and apple butter sandwich, apple slices tossed in lemon juice and cheese slices.

And two bags of TJ's lite kettle corn.

An interesting story to relay.  When the Mr was taking my pillow insert out to the car, I was hanging around a Christmas kiosk to wait for him  As I was approaching the ornament kiosk, I saw a kid in the 18-22 range walking toward the same area.  I got there first and I noticed his trajectory wasn't changing.  Matter of fact, he was going to walk straight into me.  I realized he would have the perfect opportunity to bump me, grab the purse and run.  This isn't uncommon this time of year in this place either.  As he was two steps away from hitting me, I switched my purse to the other side, put a death grip on it and without even looking at him said "I will END you."  He diverted and walked the other way.  I almost said 'don't even think about it' but I wanted to say something that would convey I knew what he was up to and I would fight.  Then I thought about how funny it would be if he thought he was getting a purse full of money and credit cards only to open it to see two people's healthy lunches they were smuggling into the theater with no wallet inside.  If I hadn't looked half the world over to find a purse I liked, I would've let him take it just to giggle my ass off at the look on his face.

Anyhoo...regarding the movie.  I must first relay that I'm not a huge fan of Mr Southern Draw.  I've seen some good interviews with him that make me like him as a person but as far as listening to him at length...almost three hours, it was a little much.  Couple him with that heinous score they did and my ears doth protest too much.  The first hour was completely overdone with little payoff.  It could've been 15 minutes for all of the information gleaned.  Any time I saw him in a truck, I thought he was about to sell me a Lincoln.  As my eyes were glazing over, I decided it was time to break into lunch to keep me from going into a coma.  It picked up the second hour.  The third hour was a seemingly good payoff when it brought some plot issues from the first hour into a bow.  But then the last 15 minutes happened and I gave the Mr the look. When a movie leaves me with more questions than answers to the point and you keep talking about it like "and what about when this happened?  How could that possibly be?" or when a major character croaks and you can't understand a word they're saying and you want to run up and rewind the movie or turn on closed captioning.  It just ends up irritating me.   I was glad he got to see it.  He claims he wants to own it.  Once was enough for me.

We grabbed some fruits and veggies for the rest of the week and headed home.  We did a 35 minute strength session then it was dinner time.

Stuffed flounder, thai lime rice and green beans.

How long is too long for you to sit through a movie?

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  1. It was a great day. Glad we got to be out in the snow and enjoy ourselves. Also glad you can hold your own against would-be thieves! Imagine the look on the guys face when he saw that our lunches were all he ended up with.

    I did enjoy the movie and I thank you for sitting through it with me!

    1. It was a great day. Oh yeah, I'm sure the dude knows a Coach bag when he sees it (even though it doesn't have their tacky logo all over it. I hate when designers do that). He probably figured even if he didn't get much he could sell the purse. He was sadly mistaken. Not that I care more about the bag because I don't and obviously if he had a weapon, he could have it but I'm not just going to give away my belongings to a punk who thinks he doesn't have to work for it. His intention seemed quite obvious and given it happens at that place, I was hip to his game, yo.

      I was a little bummed that some of the best scenery was shown in the commercials.

  2. That's kind of scary to me that people are that brazen and expect no-one to notice. Small town living has gotten me way too lax I think - not that we have no crime here, but not generally of the purse snatching variety.

    Some movies are good enough for me to sit through three hours, but mostly anything over 2 hours I tune out. I try to save those for home viewing so I can pause the movie and come back to it another time. I do want to see Interstellar but I'll wait for the dvd.

    1. Well this time of year its anywhere, maybe a bigger city just makes you more aware of it.

      Yeah I'm about a 2 hour girl and try to save the long ones for home where I can fall asleep if I get bored. DVD is a good idea on this one.

  3. Good job ninja purse defender!! I will admit that even though I'm not loving the cold weather, the snow makes me happy. Especially when it is the big fluffy flakes. It just makes you want to go out and make snow angels and then come inside for hot chocolate. Have a great day!

    1. That's me baby! Hi-ya!

      Yeah I'm not down with 10 degrees but as long as it's cold enough to snow, I love it! Snow angels are pending! ;-)

  4. I've got no time limit if it's a GOOD movie. But I will probably have to take a couple potty-breaks, and it makes me mad to miss part of the movie. It's not like at home when you can hit "pause," while you pee-pee. I do like Mr. Matthew, he was on The Talk yesterday and as you said, he seems like a nice guy. I do NOT think he is nearly as good looking as most people do however. He's awfully scrawny. Didja get my message on FB?

    1. Yeah, there were parts where you knew that you could go to the bathroom without missing much. There was a part with a drone that took up 10 minutes that made no sense and gave nothing to the plot of the movie. It's stuff like that that frustrates me. I'll have to see how that interview went, I'm sure those women embarrassed themselves falling all over him. When a man walks on the set, they all seem to act like they've never seen one before! :) Yep, messaged ya back.

  5. Your movie stash looks like my movie stash!

    That purse snatcher story was hilarious! The potential alternate ending would have been priceless!! "WTF?? CHEESE CUBES?? POPCORN??" It would have certainly driven him to strictly convenience store robberies for the remainder of the season. Great reminder to keep the cash and wallets separate from your purse this time of year!

    I really want to see Interstellar, but I had no idea it was so long. I've got no problem with Mr. McConaughey. None. at. ALL. LOL Did you see Dallas Buyers Club?

    1. It's usually just popcorn and water but when I've gotta sit through lunch time at the theater, I'm eating what goes in my plan not theirs. Not that a lunch of Twizzlers, pretzel nuggets and Junior Mints couldn't be fun but I don't think the scale would be kind. Yes, I would've liked to have seen the alternate ending without actually losing the purse.

      Yes, I saw DBC and thought he and Leto did great but yeah, his skeletal appearance was hard to watch. He still has bits of it evident. He's definitely not back to pre-DBC weight and he needs to fill in in the face a bit. I was surprised to see Matt Damon pop up mid-film, I didn't know he was in it!

    2. YUM!....That was for the movie snacks...Not Matt Damon at all ;-) LOL

  6. The movie has to grab me in the first 20 minutes or so or I start to lose interest. Length of the movie doesn't matter. And I need potty-breaks too, so DVD is probably the better option. I wish you could've let the dude have the purse, and that I could've watched while he opened it so I could laugh my A.. off! I was picturing you standing there with the death grip on your purse, daring him to grab it! I love the first snowfall too, nothing like watching the snow falling gently while sipping hot beverages, or going for a stroll! Love Pottery Barn but can't order from there, shipping costs are outrageous! :((

    1. Yeah me too but I knew I was in for the long haul whether I liked it or not. I closed my eyes a few times.

      If I didn't like the purse so much, I would've let him have that surprise. But that PB apple butter sandwich was good enough to wrestle a thug for so yeah, he didn't stand a chance. HA! The first snowfall is the best. I know I can't hold on to this because we'll be back in the 50's by the weekend but I'm enjoying the bright sun on the snow as the wind blows it off the branches.

      Girl, unless PB has a free shipping event (which they do often by the way) then I will go to the store. But yeah, especially this time of year, there is almost always free shipping. I only ordered online to take advantage of the last few hours of a sale I didn't know was going on. I can't pay full price there...it's not in me. :)

  7. I give you a lot of credit for sitting through a movie that long. I start to get very twitchy by about hour 2. I just don't have a good attention span and I roll my hand up like I'm directing traffic through an intersection and like "speed it up, people." That's probably why I like seeing cartoons in the theater, like the Disney Classics -- hour twenty, hour and a half tops and you're out of there.

    1. I was more twitchy hour one when I felt like it wasn't going anywhere. Yeah, Disney movies are made for getting 'em in and out without a fuss. Movies at home are just better.


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