Monday, November 17, 2014

Kitty, demons and a winner

Well, that was a weekend.

We hit an antique store and found this nugget.  She was taking a snooze after being held by some woman dressed as a goth Sasquatch in a vintage fur coat which she may have initially mistaken for a sister or mother until she realized she was being held against her will.  Finally the woman put her down and she retreated to this stool where she could relax in peace.

Well, until we started petting her.  But we didn't pick her up.  My friend tried picking her up once.  She's a cat person and so all cat people think they can pick up other cats and they will automatically love them.  This kitty will let you pet her but she's not keen on the pick up artist and she dug her claws into my friends flesh until she screamed for us to help her.  We kind of couldn't stop laughing.

The Mr found this game from our past.

Remember, you would wind up the bowling ball and it would hop down the lane?  Sadly the ball wouldn't wind anymore or I might've just bought it.

We roamed around town and took our seats for the light show.  For 30 minutes we got the 'pleasure' of listening to screaming children whose parents had checked out.  My favorite was Mrs. "I thought being a parent would be fun and now I'm trying not to spill my latte on my patterned spandex jeggings I wore in 30 degree weather and haphazardly grab my demon girl with the other where the hell is my husband!?!?!"


I was ready to leave but we hung in and got 10 minutes of peace when the weather got too cold for them before the next batch of heathens came in.  I'm thinking that might be the last time for that one for a few Christmases.  On the way home, we stopped at Denny's so the Mr could get his annual super bird.

Sunday was a day of deep thoughts and conversations after a sleepless night that had me out of bed and watching To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything Julie Newmar (affiliate link) until 4am.  You know how they say you should never lay in bed if you can't sleep and "they" are right.  So when I was done, I went back to bed and thankfully fell asleep quickly.

We're getting hit with snow today and the new tradition is the first snow of the year, the Mr takes off.  So we're going to see Interstellar and settle in for that 3 hour saga.  Between that and seeing Gone Girl on our last day of vacation, we're really pushing the 2 1/2 to 3 hour sagas.  Not my cup of tea when I'm not in the comfort of my own home or a theater with those big ol recliner seats.  I think we're going to have to sneak in lunch since it starts at 11am.  Big purse, it is!

What did you guys do this weekend?  Is it snowing in your neck of the woods?

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  1. I love seeing movies during the work/school week. So much less crowded, and I always feel a little sneaky which just makes it that much better. Take the big purse, just don't take stuff that crackles when you unwrap it. Enjoy your day.

    Here - it's cold. Like way cold. And we got about 8 inches of snow last week. I'm happy about the snow, but less happy about the cold. It's supposed to start warming up a bit today and tomorrow though so that's good.

    1. I know, you feel so naughty and we always have this hope that we'll have the theater to ourselves but are always surprised at how many people are actually there. Yeah, I'll be stealthy about our sandwich bags! :-)

      Wow 8"...that's awesome! Yeah, I like snow but brutal cold can take a hike.

  2. OK so much to say:

    --Yep! I have a cat at home (note: I did not say I'm a cat person LOL but I do love my baby) and he loves to be picked up. However, I always ask another cat's owner if the cat likes to be held before attempting. Plus if you have cats you can sorta read their "pick me up" vs "don't touch me" cues anyway.

    --That bowling game! Flashback!!

    --To Wong Foo until 4am. SMH LOL! That is the type of randomness that I love about your blogs! haa!

    --And, finally, Dear Dupster. I do not know you, but I do not like you. Not one bit. You're like Green Eggs and Ham and I am SO Sam I Am at the beginning of the book. Enjoy your handpicked, loving curated prizes! *sniff*bawl*sniff*

    1. Yes you definitely have to read a cat's language and you'd think being a cat person she would know this but nope, she went in for the grab on a cat that clearly has a "pet only" vibe. LOL

      Hey, ya gotta love Too Wong Foo! It was such a bold move for those actors at the time and they played it so well. When it's on, I must watch.

      Bwaaahahaha...poor Dupster. I do want to say that I really appreciated your comment and it means a lot that you recognize that I hand picked those things because I love ya's. I know it's nothing to drown your pancakes in but hopefully it's a sweet enough sentiment! :-)

    2. Dear Tigalilee! Please don't hate me! I was very lucky THIS time, but it is so rare. Maybe you will win next time sweet Anele has a give-away?!

    3. No hard feelings, Dupster! Enjoy it! It's such a cool win! :-) And thank you, Anele, for being so kind to your readers.

  3. Congrats to Dupster! I wish we could give those goodies away to everybody but I do highly recommend that if you ever want to go to Maine, it is so worth the trip! Off to the movies for us!

    1. I do too! If I were a 'big time blogger' I would love to be able to pick multiple winners. I suppose I'd better start getting our hidden purse lunches together and get ready to leave!

    2. Thanks The Mr.! Your wife is amazing, isn't she???

    3. She is amazing! She sat thru a 3 hour "space opera" for me today and I appreciate that!

  4. I did a lot of cooking and cleaning this weekend. It's freezing temps in Montana but not a lot of snow...just what won't melt. Maybe we'll see 40 this weekend! Heat wave!! Hey, I was going to ask...I know you to the 'Walk Away the Pounds' videos...I looked them up and there are a lot of different ones...anyone you like a lot? I only have a spare bedroom so I hope that's enough space....thanks for any info!!

    1. I just looked under your favorites page so I probably answered my own question. :)

    2. The ones I have listed on our favorites are good and I just got a mix and match walk blaster that I like. I added it to the favorites at the end of page 4.

      No major space needed for any of her workouts.

  5. THANK YOU Anele!! I'm so excited to have won your give-away. I'm especially excited to get to try the REAL Maple Syrup!!! As I told you, a trip to New England in the Fall is on my bucket list and it was fun to get to live it vicariously through your blogs and now through this amazing give-away. You're the best! Love your blog!!!

    1. Well this will give you a taste of it until you can get there in person! Email me at mrs{at}successalongtheweigh[dot]com with your mailing address. :-)

  6. It snowed here, but now it is gone, HOORAY! We'll get dumped on through the winter, so I'm just not ready for it. Sounds like a fantastic weekend.

  7. We got snow Saturday night and it was pretty slick on the roads. Shawn said people going off our street were hitting the curb across the way when they were trying to turn. I made sure I had all my shopping done (3 hours in two grocery stores) early that day because I knew I'd be a shut-in on Sunday. It was only an itch or so on the ground but I knew the crazies would be out and I wanted no part of that. Last night after work the snow was blowing sideways and that was not a fun drive home (I only live about 12 minutes from my ahem...current job... but it took closer to 20 min and that's because I drove like the old lady I am. I have all the Thanksgiving shopping done except the fresh stuff so that'll get bought on Saturday. Had a mini-meltdown early Sunday morning as I wrestled Ziploc bags like I was Snoopy vs. the beach chair while emptying out the freezer sans bra and crooked glasses on my face. Not my finest moment...the freezer is cleaned out. =o)


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