
Thursday, August 7, 2014

"Don't spoil it for me!"

In this day and age, people seem anxious to spoil things.  It's like people live to be the first person to comment on a Facebook post about how an episode ended 10 minutes ago thereby spoiling it not only for people in different time zones but people who DVR or have to binge watch when a season is released.  Or the next morning, you're watching your morning show and Gayle King ruins the ending of Breaking Bad for a bazillion viewers.  (I think that's what show it desire to watch it either.  The only episode we watched was the finale so we don't need to watch any of it...ever.)

So it's no surprise you go along watching a show and out of nowhere they spoil the ending to a movie for you.  I mean, how dare they blow the ending of a movie that is 25 years old?  Some of us haven't seen When Harry Met Sally.  (affiliate link) 

Yep, that's right.  I said it.  As of 8pm yesterday, neither of us had ever seen that movie despite what a part of the lexicon of our society it has become.  I mean, it's an 80's movie...I'm the queen of 80's movies. How the hell did this slip by me?

The Mr?  Easy.  He's a dude.

Nuff said.

But there was no excuse for me.  It was one of those ones I always put on my "hey, I really should watch that" list because you feel weird admitting you've never seen something.  Well, I don't know, at the time of release it wasn't my demographic and while I love Billy Crystal as Fernando on SNL and I loved Meg Ryan in Top Gun but it didn't catch my eye back then.  So how did I like it?  It was okay.  She was super adorable at the beginning but got a little irritating and her constantly sticking her nose up in the air made me want to punch her.  Plus any of her kissing scenes grossed me out.  When she kissed someone it just seemed like she wasn't into it...or who knows, maybe she's just a bad kisser?  *shrug*  The ending was fine but predictable.  (I won't ruin it for others.  *wink*)

Oh speaking of know what is even worse?  When we watched it, it ruined the ending of ANOTHER classic movie I've never seen...Casablanca(affiliate link)  The nerve spoiling a 72 year old movie for me!  Rat bastards!

What classic movie have you not seen?  Have you had an ending of a movie spoiled for you by a TV show?

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  1. That movie has been a part of pop culture for a long time and it is surprising that we both never got around to watching it. I did enjoy it. Billy Crystal is funny but he also did a good job of being annoying when his character had to be and it did make for an entertaining performance.

    1. Yeah I guess I forgot to touch on Billy Crystal's performance, probably because I liked it. It felt like watching City Slickers given his cadence in speech and such which just tells me he's very Jeff Goldblum when it comes to comedies...he brings his real personality to his characters.

  2. Oh, I don't know. Casablanca is one of those classics like Gone With the Wind: it's worth watching even if you know what happens in the end. When Harry Met Sally is almost in that category but I think as a woman you need to watch it when you are younger and more forgiving. Otherwise Sally is just a whiner who needs a slap and doesn't deserve a guy to love her the way Harry does. But I'm really surprised the two of you haven't seen it because I feel like you could be one of those couples interviewed in between scenes.

    I love Meg Ryan as an actress but her best movies are the ones that keep her from kissing the lead until the end, if at all. She does seem to have a weird lack of chemistry with most of her leads, even Hugh Jackman.

    My late discovery movies were Audrey Hepburn. What a charmer! I don't know how I went into my 30s not having seen any of her films except a few scenes from My Fair Lady.

    1. Do you have any idea the huge compliment you just paid us??? I can't believe I didn't mention the couples in between because honestly, that was my favorite part of the movie!! I love even more that they were real love stories and not actors! Swoon!

      I remember when we had to see My Fair Lady in school and I thought I would hate it but I thought it was really good even if I had to suffer through that cockney accent in the beginning. (More because I couldn't understand a thing she was saying!) I need to see Breakfast at Tiffany's. If it's good enough to inspire a song, it's probably not a bad thing, right? :-)

      (Oh and if someone can't have chemistry with Hugh Jackman, there is a serious problem! Mee-ow!)

  3. I did see When Harry Met Sally back in the day, but I wasn't wild about it even then. It had some funny parts, but it wasn't ever a favorite.

    I've never seen Casablanca either, and I totally need to because it's been on my list for years. I finally watched Gone With the Wind a few years ago, but I'd read the book so I wasn't totally lacking in culture. Let's see... I've never seen Steel Magnolias or the Titanic.

    I don't know that I've had a show/movie ruined that way, but I'm super careful to avoid spoilers when it's a show I care about. I absolutely make sure to watch Walking Dead the night it's on because that's the only one I watch that's really likely to get spoiled for me, and the others I watch it isn't really as big a deal.

    1. I'm going to pretend you didn't say you haven't seen Steel Magnolias! ;-) The thing with watching older movies, particularly 80's movie is some things become more apparent as you age than they were when you saw them so I will say that if you want a good collection of one liners, SM is the holy grail, particularly Dolly Parton's role. I love her but damn it was just liner after liner with Truvy. But it also make it quotable. I tell the Mr quite often when he signs his name at the store "you have the hand writin' of a serial killah."

      Yeah, I will hide FB pages of shows I know I'll get behind on so it's hopefully not spoiled for me or I try to catch it if I hear someone on TV starting to discuss it or entertainment sites that like to spoil in their headlines. Jerks. LOL

  4. I've seen both Casablanca and When Harry Met Sally. I actually preferred "Harry" over Casablanca, I guess I just didn't feel the great romance that was supposedly there between Ingrid and Humphrey. But "We'll Always Have Paris." As for me....."I'll have what she's having!" I hope that didn't spoil anything for anybody.

    I've got to see Breakfast at Tiffany's, now that I have Netflix and Amazon Prime, it's only a matter of time.

    1. I think it was on TV once and I caught like 5 minutes of it and it didn't catch my attention so I figure it must be something I need to see from the beginning. I hope I'm right. I see the Mr falling asleep. Nope, you didn't spoil anything, I think you'd have to be a cave dweller to have not seen a clip of or reference that scene in 25 years. ;-)

      Ooh it's on Prime? I'm there when my schedule free's up!

  5. Eh, I don't really get "spoiled". The only time it irks me is if it's a true mystery movie/show and someone gives away a really good who dun it. That kinds of takes the fun out of watching the story unfold.

    For most big shows lately (Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones) I didn't mind at all reading/hearing about big moments before I saw them. In fact, it makes watching more fun for me because I can focus on smaller details of the episode because I'm not just waiting for the big moment to happen.

    In the case of Breaking Bad, the final season was very weak and honestly the big moments were very predictable. The final season almost ruined the series for me, it was so bad in comparison to the rest of the series. There were a far better "shock moments" in earlier seasons.

    1. The Mr is famous for blurting out his theory ending of a mystery show within 10 minutes with a 60% accuracy rate and it makes me want to punch him. He's got a ban on that now for his own health and well being.

      I'm getting real tired of these shows overstaying their welcomes and taking a formerly great show and flushing it down the toilet. (Talkin' to you Dexter. They should've ended it after the Trinity Killer, there was no coming back after that season of perfection) It was a crappy ending for Californication as well. They took a former good show and just made the last season almost unbearable to watch. Ugh.

  6. That is so funny...I totally forgot Meg Ryan was in Top Gun! "When Harry Met Sally" was okay, but not my favorite. I really liked Billy Crystal in "Forget Paris" - he and Debra Winger had much better chemistry and I loved Billy Crystal's character in that movie.

    I don't think I have ever made it all the way through "Breakfast at Tiffiany's" either. It is one that I have got to find on Netflix or Prime to watch.

    1. I know! I forgot too until I looked up her IMDB and remembered how much I loved her! "Hey Goose, ya big stud...take me to bed or lose me fer-ever!" If you haven't read Billy Crystal's autobiography, you should. We got the audiobook for a long road trip and it really made the time go fast and it was so funny.

  7. Ahem... well let's see what kind of rural rock I've been living under.... I've never seen from start to finish any of these: Star Wars (any of them), The Godfather (saw most of the first one, but not all of it and not the ones that followed), none of the 80's horror/scary movies, Poltergeist, Ghost Busters, St Elmo's Fire, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, The Titanic.... *hangs head in cinematic shame"....

    1. I can see I'm going to have to invite you over for a movie weekend to rectify these many atrocities. ;-)

  8. I've never watched Casablanca OR Gone With the Wind! I always tell myself I need to watch them...but just haven't had the opportunity yet. (and yes, it is kind of embarrassing to admit it...)

    1. I think I watched Gone With the Wind back in school (forced) and it was okay but could've been severely edited. ;-)

  9. WHMS is our New Years Eve movie...every year...we loved it and I do think she is adorable in this movie're right...she can't kiss anyone and make it look appealing and her little nose in the air was part of her character (I hope) but I can see how that would get annoying. At least you're not admitting to not watching a John Hughes movie, then I'd really wonder! ;)

    1. I think that's great to have a NYE tradition like that! Better than watching the series finale of Six Feet Under 15 minutes before midnight struck like we did this year! HA! I'm pretty sure I've seen all of Hughes stuff! ;-)


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