
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Post Vacation - Weigh In

I'm down 7 lbs from what I was when I came home from Chicago.  So that's a couple deep dishes and cupcakes.  I'm still up 2 from what I was right before we left and much closer to re-earning the 200 lbs lost moniker.  Hopefully today's way reduced day will help us shed more.

I injured myself last night doing Jillian's Ripped in 30.  Let's hope the shoulder heals up by tomorrow when another strength rolls around or we might have to do cardio and let it rest.

Hope everyone has a great weekend and don't forget to enter the giveaway below if the Ralph Lauren gloves interest you!  Ends Tuesday!

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  1. I hope your shoulder heals quickly.

    Have a great weekend.

  2. I have Jillian's 30 day shred, she's a maniac! Hope things heal quickly.

  3. Nicely done on the quick weight lose post vk Hope shoulder heals today. Have a great weekend.

  4. Yay for the loss, you will be back to your lowest soon and then continue to go downward. Ouch on the shoulder injury, take it easy! Be well.

  5. WHOOT! You're sort of like Mohamed Ali... no matter what anyone does after, you're still the title holder! Take care of the shoulder!

  6. It's always great to see those temporary gains be just that! Way to go!

  7. Jillian is an evil woman bent on killing everyone! But she gets results. LOL


  8. Bad news - you injured yourself, I hope that's only temporary.

    Good news - you reminded me that I still had some abs exercises left to do from yesterday so now they're all taken care of. THANKS!!

  9. Wow! Great loss! That's fantastic!

    Sorry you injured yourself - hope it heals in no time!!

  10. Great job on the loss. I hate Jillian--just sayin! Sure hope your injury heals quickly.


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