
Friday, January 27, 2012

Found out what I was missing

When we were losing weight over 10 years ago, we had access to a gym and we went pretty frequently.  As weight came back on, that stopped and we began accumulating our own stuff to make a home gym so we wouldn't have to endure the stares.  We have free weights, a treadmill, a water rower, aerobics steps, weight bench, Total Trainer (aka universal gym) and a bazillion exercise DVD's.  That is how we've lost the weight we've lost so far "this time."  (The most ever)

In looking for other things to throw in our routine, I wondered if adding the gym when the Mr teleworks would be a good idea.  He was home today so we decided to go check it out.  Thankfully there was one old dude who was finishing up and the rest of the time we had it to ourselves.  I was kind of appalled at the condition of the equipment.  It was very obvious some things have been there for the duration as they were taped up and rusting at some points.  I did the leg press (my favorite) and was just so disgusted by the condition of it, I got 3 wipes and wiped that sucker down and took 10 years off the look of that thing.  As I was going around from machine to machine, I found out what I was missing...nothing.  Our stuff isn't abused by people, it's in good visible shape and we can do everything we could do there, here.  I'm so thankful that we don't have to rely on that place anymore.  Maybe I'm a germ-a-phobe to a certain degree and I like not having to share my sweaty stuff with anyone other than the Mr.  I'm glad we went, I don't have to glorify it in my head anymore and be thankful we're blessed with such an awesome place to improve our fitness and health.

Do you have a home gym?  If not, what would your ultimate home gym be like with the space you have?

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  1. We have a treadmill, boxing bag, step, ball, stationary bike, jump rope, body bar and a few free weights and DVDs. But very seldom do I use it. For the past 1.5 yrs I have been going to this family owed small gym. It is affordable, convenient (not out of my way) and the owners ( husband / wide team) offer the best group classes. I like the group fitness class. It can be from Zumba (although I only do that once a week now- its getting boring and the crown), to hot yoga, Pilates to core classes. I like them all. The times are convenient to working folk and I like the added peer pressure. If I did the same at home I could quite after the first burn or bead of sweat.

  2. It was disappointing to see the gym in such bad shape. I am glad I did get a chance to try (and fail miserably at) the pull up bar as well as the stability ball. I had a good workout but mostly because of the treadmill, which we have at home, and the elliptical. I can see that our condo fee will eventually go up because they need to replace a lot of that equipment.

  3. I have a treadmill at home, and arsenal of DVDs, free weights, and bands. There's also a walking track about 1/4 mile from my house that I can use if I want some fresh air (because, in the country, we don't have sidewalks).

    I don't like the gym. I don't like the people there, I don't like touching dirty machines. I never went and usually just worked out at home anyway.

    My work pays for a gym membership, but I still couldn't justify the time in the car there and back plus gas mileage. Time is valuable to me - why travel 1/2 hour when I could be exercising in that time?

    I know my opinion's not very popular, but it's mine.

  4. My current home gym has a step, ball, jump rope, weights, mat, and dvds.

    My dream home gym would have a heavy bag, hex weights (only because the adjustable ones shift a bit--maybe they're just crappy ones?), pull up bar, weight bar/squat set up, padded flooring, a mini fridge, and its own washer/dryer (yeah, getting greedy with that!).

    Like Lindsay mentioned, the time/energy spent going to a gym equals half a good work out. (though I do go to a studio for yoga--yoga's just so much nicer with other folks).

  5. I have a treadmill, a recumbent bike, a step, a stability ball, dumbells, an iGallop (yup... stoopidest purchase award) and resistance bands.
    I would not choose to work out at a gym. I had to go to a PT center for knee rehab once and I was grossed out. I think I have a high gross-out factor, germaphobic, etc. EEWWW! The universal machiens are cool, but...
    I *would* like to try a yoga class but am chicken because I have not worked out with anyone in years.

  6. I think I already have everything I can have with my space available. I have a treadmill, but right now there isn't a space to fold it out and use it. I have a Wii, a couple exercise dvd's, & some hand weights. I just can't get excited about working out at home. I'd rather walk outside or go somewhere for the specific purpose of working out. At home there are too many distractions.

    Now - if we're talking fantasy here I'd like workout pool.

  7. I don't have a home gym, I find I am more motivated at the gym. Just want to say you are so inspiration!!!

  8. I have almost exactly the same attitude as Another Layer, if a little more equipment, thanks to DH who likes to be 'efficient' with his workout. He's probably getting more toning, and I'm burning more calories per session but taking longer to do it. I just enjoy pleasure and utility (like gardening) more than working out for the sake of working out. It's all good...whatever works, you know? I find workout equipment boring, but would enjoy a good Zumba session, preferably toning Zumba, once a week. As soon as I am freed from the necessity of supervising contractors every day at my house, I'm going to look for that.

  9. I WISH I had a home gym. I would love that so much. Maybe one day in the future. :)

  10. I have an Exercycle (works both legs and arms), stability ball, resistance bands, adjustable weights and a few other things as well as DVDs. We do go to a gym as well, though; we have no place to really set everything up, so it's easy to not use them. Our gym is great--on the way to/from work, well maintained, great equipment, nice people (mostly), and going there gets me in the mindset of I'm going to work out good and hard. They keep plenty of sanitizer and towels available, so most people are good about wiping things down after they use them. Lord knows I have to when I'm done!

  11. We have a treadmill, elliptical, step, a few free weights and a few dvd's. I can get all I need with that and walking the dog daily. I do go with a friend to a spin class once a week and was invited to a "beginner" circuit weight lifting class which I may try out but otherwise, I just do it at home.

  12. I have a treadmill, a hula hoop and some DVDs. If I could convince my husband to convert one of our 'guest' rooms into a home gym, I would add a recumbent bike and a universal.

  13. I toyed with the idea of turning my unused formal living room into a home gym, and that may still happen someday, but for now the gym does it for me. I like going to the gym for the variety and, to a small degree, the social side of it--not so much talking to people, since I don't really do that, but just the general atmosphere and motivation. Not to mention someone is around if I drop a bar full of weights on my neck. :)

  14. We don't have a home gym, and I don't know if I'd really ever want one. While the idea is appealing, I'd fret about the kids getting in there and getting hurt. I'd really like some space for my medicine ball, yoga mat and some free weights. That'd be a perfect home gym for me!

  15. My garage is unofficially my home gym. I haven't gotten into using it much because we haven't insulated it. When the temperature is manageable, I do get in there. I have an elliptical, treadmill, mini trampoline, punching bag, pilates powergym, stability ball, kettle bells, dumbbells, and an ab coaster. I think that's it. I also have a swimming pool at home. I will be glad when the season changes and it's consistently warm so that I can swim again.


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