
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Weigh In - Take that A. F.!

That's right, despite Aunt Flo setting up shop and swinging from my fallopian tubes (aka- cramps du jour), I managed to lose 2 lbs this week.  A rare treat anymore!  I don't know if it was switching things up with our cardio circuit or me burning an extra 500 calories over my target goal or what but I don't care, not askin' questions and movin' about my business yo!

I hope everyone has a great weekend and thanks for riding the coaster with me!

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  1. Good for you, that's great. The scale must've been to scared to give you anything less, and Aunt Flo wants the loss as much as you do - even though she is a pain.

  2. Congratulations on the 2 pound weight loss. I am seeing a zip line in your future. I'm sorry about your cramps. That is one thing I haven't had to worry about for 7 years now. I had a hysterectomy due to unusual bleeding and have been so happy to be cramp free ever since. I used to get the worst cramps.

  3. Yay! Love to read about your successes. You deserve them - you work dang hard for it! Hugs.

  4. WOOT!!!! Awesome! Have a great week!

  5. I'm struggling right now, hit the 90 pound lost and started eating too much...need to get back on track and stop grazing.


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