
Friday, August 12, 2011

Uniquely You

Let's do something fun this Friday.  We all have a long history that makes up our story and we all have unique things we've done, met interesting people or been a part of at some point in our lives.  I thought I'd share something fun from my life and encourage you to do the same.

Mine?  I'm in the liner notes of the Elvis 30 #1 Hits import CD.

Share one unique fact about yourself.

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  1. I have bowled a 300 and thats a perfect game! The most intersting point is I dont like bowling nor have I bowled since!

  2. I went on a business trip to Marina Del Ray, CA. My colleague and I visited Hollywood and Rodeo Drive. As we were entering a leather shop on Rodeo Drive, an incredibly tall man exited, talking with a bombshell blonde. As he turned from her, he plowed right into me! 100% full body-slam with David Hasselhoff!! circa 1991

  3. p.s. I turned to my travel partner and delivered my best, dreamy, Marsha Brady: "I'll never wash these clothes again....." hehehe...

  4. When I was 16, my parents let me fly across the country to spend 3 weeks with one of my bestest friends in Vancouver, British Columbia. It forever changed who I am.

  5. I worked for NASCAR prior to my career in healthcare. I like healthcare much more.

  6. I won junior citizen of the year for applying CPR to my mother when she stopped breathing. I was 11. I got to meet the Lieutenant Govenor of Canada at the time,John Baird, a $200 savings bond, an all expense paid trip to Toronto and was on some show called Kidsbeat. One of the most exciting things to have won! Circa 1982.

  7. One of my high school teachers submitted two poems I wrote to some literary magazine in 1990-91. They were both published. Can't even remember the name of the magazine and I don't write anymore.

  8. Here's one that I doubt even my husband knows. I won honorable mention in a statewide (California) wildfire prevention poster contest when I was in 8th grade.

  9. i can wiggle my ears. and when i was in 11th grade, i won an award for 2nd place and a $75 savings bond for a Holocaust Writing contest. it was judged by Holocaust survivors.

  10. These are such exciting stories! Mrs, this was a GREAT idea!

    When I was four my aunt and uncle took me to a rodeo, where Little Joe Cartwright (Michael Landon) kissed my hand. *SWOON* Needless to say, I've been a lifelong fan of his!!

  11. I won 1st place in a swim meet doing the butterfly in 6th grade. Not bad for a little fat kid!

  12. I'm a day late but here is my story. When I was around 15 I was waiting in a lobby with my nephew for my brother to pick us up. While waiting a man came up and said what a cute baby. I didn't even realize who it was until one of the two gentlemen with him said Mr. Truman to him. It was indeed ex-president Harry S. Truman. We lived in Independence but I never dreamed I would meet him.

  13. I'm ambidextrous when it comes to sports (batting, volleyball serving, golf swing, etc), and although that sounds like it would be a good thing, it wasn't always. I failed tennis my sophmore year because I could not do a backhand. My brain automatically signaled my right hand to pass the racket to my left hand to hit the ball over and over again!

  14. I won "miss congeniality" and the scholarship award in the Junior Miss Pageant in high school. My brother was ticked that I didn't win talent and the Junior Miss title as well!

  15. I'm late to the party but here's my contribution: I won the end-of-year award for the entire 8th grade for, get this, Industrial Arts (AKA Wood and Metal Shop). I wasn't told what the award was for, and I assumed that it was for English. So imagine my surprise when they actually called me up for rocking wood shop as one of the ONLY girls in the program! LOL I think I probably made just a few boys mad that they didn't win...

  16. Meeting would have to be back in Middle School, my family went to visit my mom's brother and his wife. She asked if we wanted to meet the governor (she worked in the office as one of the secretaries) and we said sure (since it was close to my birthday). We have a professional pic (his photographer) and one from my mom's camera (taken by same photographer) of me, my family, my aunt, and the governor who went on to be Pres. Clinton.
    Life Changing: a chain of events that started with a hair cut, then a fight with my sister (17 years older), and ended with me joining the AF. I only did 4 years, but ended up meeting my hubby and getting to see bits of the world. :-)


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