
Monday, August 22, 2011

The stress/weight loss slow down connection

Some of you may have read my blog over the weekend with my delightful one pound gain.  I have had a rough 3 weeks and with one weigh in left in the month, I can't help but think there really is a correlation between stress and lack of weight loss.  So far for the month of August, I'm only down a pound and was losing semi-regularly before all of this bullcrap started in my life of people going, well, excuse my french...batsh*t crazy!  I'm tired of the pit in my stomach, it's like I can feel the cortisol building up.  I used to think that was all a bunch of crap but since I no longer stress eat or stray from my healthy eating during difficult times, I have to wonder if there is something to that whole cortisol thing.

What do you think?  Can stress contribute to weight stalls or gains?

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  1. I think you might be on to something. I did an 'experiment' last month where I weighed myself every single day. I was eating in range, keeping sodium low, I am past TOM, but there were several days where my weight went up anyway. Overall I had a loss, but if I looked at a graph my weight loss was definitely 'spiky'. The only thing that was different on these days was my stress level. I know a couple of people who are doing all the right things but not losing and their lives are incredibly stressful. I think it at least bears further investigation.

  2. Honest to goodness, when I'm stressed I retain water/gain weight. It's one of the large reasons that I'm trying to eliminate all outside stress (because I stress myself out enough as it is).

  3. I think stress has a lot to do with weight loss. I've noticed trends in the last year and a half when I seem to gains during stressful times. And when I gain that just adds to the stress. It's a vicious cycle.

  4. I didn't know the research behind it, but I do know that when I'm stressed out or sleeping badly I gain no matter what I eat.

  5. Yep, I think stress definitely affects weight loss. The heavier my thoughts are, the more chance that heaviness shows up on the scale.

    I had my annual physical exam a couple of weeks ago. I was so stressed out about not having lost more weight and what my doctor would say that I gained 2 pounds I "shouldn't" have.

    My solution? Stay the heck away from the scale until my stress level is back to a reasonable place. Why add the scale/number stress to the whole picture?

  6. Glad to know I wasn't the only one thinking this! I'm so frustrated but I'm trying to tell myself that will only make things worse. I wish that I could say that the future looks better but there are some family members who are going through health issues that aren't looking great right now. I just wish I could wave a magic wand and make everything better. I'm just not seeing a let up to stress anytime soon. *Fingers crossed the scale and measuring tape don't hold that against me!*

  7. I'm sure the stress does not help the situation. What is something that you can do for yourself to help relieve it? You already exercise like crazy so that isn't the answer. What about a massage? Now...I can hear you already saying you don't feel comfortable yet or some other load of CRAP!!! If you found a really good professional Massage Therapist they could really help some of that stress go away. What do you think????

  8. Stress affects absolutely every facet of our being. Maybe start keeping a stress journal to see how it lines up with weight loss? I think you are really onto something very good to know.

  9. Oh, I absolutely believe that stress can mess with weight loss. The stress of the past 2 years has caused my female bits to go pyscho along with losing hair on the top of my head (which I don't think will grow back). Cortisol is no joke and it's a constant enemy. That "pit" you referenced is that anxiety ball that just festers, even when you don't *think* you're feeling stress at the moment. I'll be writing a blog soon about the stressors and a more detailed report on my journey in the coming weeks...and you bet stress has been a major factor. I'm sorry the past 3 weeks have been the pooper for you. Let me know if I can help girlfriend! xoxo

  10. I believe in it myself. I learned alot about it in school this year. Women especially hang on to the weight around their tummies when stressed. Seeing how I was borned stressed out - it explains alot!!! Hope those three weeks are in the past and the next three will be awesome! Cheering for you girlfriend!

  11. I'm convinced it plays at least a partial role. I've been particularly stressed lately but not relieving it with food, yet my weight is going up and down like a yo-yo. Very irritating and discouraging, to say the least, but I'm trying to breathe deep and let it all go.

  12. There absolutely is something to it, Mrs.

  13. the stress from work totally affects my weight loss. And not just that I want to eat from stress.

    But simply being under stress makes my body want to hang on to calories. After all, I am stressed - must mean a famine is coming, sigh

    Luckily in the past few months hubbie and I have come up with a better plan to help deal with stress so the weight loss started again


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