
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Not measuring up

I took my measurements the other day.  Down 3 1/4" for the month of July.  This is better than some months recently but mostly a big drop overall.  I know I can't lose from my measuring points every month or measure every square inch of me but let me put this into perspective for you.  My massive arm measurements have only gone down 1/2" all year.  I mean REALLY!?  It takes me back to a comment someone close to me said when I pointed out how much I wanted my arm fat to go away last year..."oh that'll never get any better."  I know to some degree they were only relating their experience as they had big arms, had skin surgery and there really wasn't a difference in their before and after.  Well, I know the weight will come off and it won't always look like I'm trying to smuggle hams under my arms but I broke down in tears the other night during a workout and said "maybe they're never will go away."  I know that's not the case but I hate it when you get in those places where you're just done.  I also gave up on the ziplining thing.  I just can't keep putting that kind of pressure on myself.  If it happens, it happens.  Nothing is changing, I'm not going to stop working toward that goal to some degree but I can't pin my success or failure on whether or not I hurl myself over a waterfall in paradise next year.  I'm just not one of those people who can declare "I will do ______ by _______ and it shall be good" and it happens.  That is just never how it's worked for me and I get irritated with people who can.  Pfft.

I exercise 5x week, eat well 6 days per week and watch it on the higher cal day.  I get in 133 oz of water every day, watch my sodium, fiber and fat/carb/protein balance.  I am doing everything I possibly can and I know very well that my body loses on IT'S time table, not mine.  All I can do is what I know how to do and shake things up and be willing to tweak.  What other choice do I have?  I likened it to feeling around in the dark in a huge warehouse trying to find the exit.  The exit isn't necessarily along a wall... it could be in the center of the room or a trap door or even in the ceiling like an elevator but you don't know which one, you have to just keep guessing, not give up and be confident in the fact that the exit is there.

If only it were as easy as finding the exit sign!

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  1. The person who said that has obviously not achieved success in that particular area and thus lacks belief that it is even possible to do so. Do not let that persons lack of success determine your ability to prove that theory wrong. It was that same kind of thinking that told the Wright Brothers that man could not fly.

    Be a pioneer and you'll find the exit sign!

  2. It'll happen. I won't pretend to know when, but I have confidence that your fat will find the exit you're showing it every day.

  3. Don't give up on your arms! I know, easier said than done because I am in a similar boat. I also have big arms and I truly do hate what I see when I wear sleeves short enough to show them. Flabby and ugh. Even after 2 rounds of Chalean Extreme, down 40 lb, and getting pretty close to a healthy BMI, I see no difference in my boa constrictor arms. LOL and Grrr!

    I'm also not one who can say I'm going to achieve X by a certain date and it comes to fruition. Setting a time goal for me to do some things is a sure fire way to be certain that it will not happen.

  4. It will happen. I am overweight. In high school I was lean and strong. I got married, had kids and stop taking care of myself. I am bigger than I have ever been. I am trying to lose the weight. My one concern is my arms. But I was looking online at Kelly Ripa. Now I know that she is in Fabulous shape. But she used to have flabby arms even though she was skinny. But she doesn't anymore. If she can do it, so can you and I. She works really hard at her physique. She didn't take no for an answer. You shouldn't either. You are an inspiration! In high school it took me two years to get to my ideal weight. Then a year to tone and strengthen. You just stay focused on the prize. You Fabulous!

  5. My niece (in her 30s) lots gobs of weight, was pushed to exercise to maniacal standards by her older sister, who is a high school coach. After losing over 80 pounds and being STICK thin (gaunt looking even), her doctor insisted she would never be able to tighten up the flab under her upper arms, so she saw a plastic surgeon and he "snip snip snipped" it away from both arms. You talk about GROSS. HUGE incisions with drains resulted. I couldn't even look at 'em. They did heal well and look fine afterward, and I'm sure her youth had a lot to do with it (she was in her 20s). Still, that was seriously extreme.

  6. Thanks so much everyone for the support, it means alot. I've gone through these frustrating times before but it really stinks to see measurements not really moving too much and couple that with the scale being erratic and it feels like I'm busting my ass for nothing sometimes. (I know I'm not but we've all been there)

    Missy- That arm surgery will *never* be an option for me. I know one person who got nerve damage (still has it) and one who had it done and looks no different which to me isn't worth it. I don't need sleek arms and I'm not deluded about what they'll eventually look like but I'd like some of the fat in there to start coming off already! LOL

  7. If only there was a way to "spot"'re in this for the long haul and like any long term process you can't always predict what's waiting for you around every of these days the arm fat is bound to budge and then watch out; it's WELCOME TO THE GUN SHOW!!!!

  8. Boy can I relate to the frustration! I have a little dumpling on one arm, in the front, and I thought for sure 100 pounds would at least get rid of that. I even targeted it with exercises that my p.t. recommended. But it appears to be here to stay for awhile longer. Frustrating, but I agree with you, surgery is not an option for me either. Hang in there! Some day I am going to buy myself a punching bag and take my frustrations out on that. Can't hurt.

  9. Ahhh, I hear you on all of this! My arms are my biggest frustration. I'm down 90 pounds with about 25 more to go to reach a healthy BMI, and my arms seem to have stopped getting smaller. I've never been one who can say I'll lose ___ by ___ either; my body definitely has its own timetable, regardless of my efforts. The Mr. is right, though; the person who said that has not had success in that area, don't let their failure discourage you. You WILL find the exit sign (and so will I) for this!

  10. OHHHHH how I can relate, sister! I've been tracking my exercise and measurements on a different place other than SP for the past few months (although I did add a few this week to SP for comparison purposes), and it's so disheartening to see the lack of inches moving. It's like my stomach has decided to change shape into this weird massive blob and my arms have nothing to show for their work. Like you said, you just keep plugging away, but man alive...I'd like to see some visual proof that my hard work is actually doing something for me besides mentally. Sometimes it just feels like a constant shadow creeping around me that keeps me in that dark place where the hopelessness begins to call. I don't rely on my own strength to fight through that (lots of prayer needed for that), but I've learned to allow myself those days to just throw a pity-party mentally for myself...and I keep working my program. Lots of tears, lots of swears, and tons of frustrations. But we still do what we do because we know it's the best thing for us. But I still say it's ok to just proclaim "well, this just sucks" for the day. =o)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I've missed your blogs my friend. I love the exit sign analogy. Your site is really coming along. I'm so happy for you. You deserve it sister.


  13. If only...but, it's not that easy as you're well aware. Keep chugging away is all we can do. I know someone who had the arm surgery and she has these huge ropey looking scars from arm pit to elbow that are not going away--and that looks better??? I don't think so.

  14. We all have our problem areas. With me it is my stomach. Sometimes I feel like I will always look pregnant. You are right though we can only eat healthy and exercise and our body will lose on it's own time table.

  15. I totally relate...My body is definitely on its own timetable and I sometimes marvel/wonder/scoff at those that set out for goal weight by x date and actually achieve it. I've changed my "deadline" so many times I can't even keep them all straight anymore! Just hang in there girl! I mean, come on - you've lost an entire adult already! You're doing AWESOME!!!!

  16. you will get there, it will just be on your arms schedule, which is a pain to wait for.

    But I do have a question, and while I am sure with your attention to detail you have probaly thought of this, but just in case, here it is .....

    I know also you can not measure every part of the anatomy, although I wish I could. Have you considered that perhaps the weight is "shifting".

    When I got measured the other day my trainer asked me if I knew my weight was shifting.

    The parts she measures for standardization sometimes do not go down, but the section above DOES, it is almost as if the fat is slowly oozing down my body, shrinking by miniscule amounts as it goes.

    Hmm, now if only it would make me taller


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