
Friday, August 19, 2011

If I never hear...

..."nom nom" again.  It'll be too soon.  (I will be seriously contemplating deleting comments of smart asses who write it below!)  ;-)  In my head, it conjures up an unhappy, gluttonous binge ala Seven(Affiliate link)  It doesn't matter if that wasn't the intent, it's what I visualize and it grosses me out.  There are just some phrases that the second they are leaked out of someone's face makes you want to cram them back in and tell them never to let those words pass their lips again.

What word or phrase is like nails on a chalkboard for you?

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  1. I HATE that phrase. When I see blogs with it written, I usually stop reading. However, Seven was a good movie. I can see how that phrase brings the imagery.

  2. Oof! I like nom nom LoL Please don't hate me. Thankfully I don't nom often. I hate: "Ain't got no..." and "That's a mute point"

  3. Color me out of touch - but I don't actually know what that phrase means. however, hearing (reading it) - well it sounds .... yeah, like a binge

    AnitaWpg from Spark

  4. Oh my gosh, I was sure I was the only one! I seriously seriously hate when people type that! Irks me big time!!

  5. "hoodie"

    I refuse to acknowledge it as a word. It's just so much infantalizing of language, of adults adopting the cutesy language of youth in a attempt to deny their aging.

    What next? Adults talking to one another in baby talk?

  6. I'm not crazy about that phrase, but it doesn't bother me as much as some others such as "I know, right?" or "zero tolerance" and several others.

  7. Never heard it or paid attention. The phrase that bugs me is, "For I can..." Example: Can you give my keys, for I can go to the store." Makes me cringe!

  8. When I see or hear that phrase, I immediately think of LOLCats!

    What phrase do I hate? First one that comes to mind is "You go girl!"

  9. It doesn't bother me as much but it's overused. And I too blame LOLcats. I'm not a fan of baby talk in generally.

    My pet peeve phrase is 'my bad.' It sounds like an apology but it really isn't. I've heard it from my supervisor and her supervisor. I think it is HORRIDLY inappropriate in a business environment. Talk about nails on chalboard.

  10. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has never seen that phrase before. I don't watch a lot of TV or movies, so I'm out of the loop for most things. We have friends, though, who pick up EVERY "popular" phrase and use them ad nauseum. "Really?" in the currently popular tone of incredulity gets old REALLY fast. The only weekly TV show I watch is Rizzoli and Isles (because I love Tess Gerritson's books). You can bet the farm that at some point in the episode, Rizzoli will use the REALLY? Once in AN episode is fine. EVERY episode? REALLY? lol

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. After reading MissyE's comment, I feel the need to add that I know someone who is pushing 60 and tries to talk/write like she's 18. She picks up on every current phrase that's going around and uses them ad nauseum. And this reminds me of another stupid word that needs to be stricken: tween. That "word" makes me want to wretch.

  13. The term disliked by myself and my hubby is "are you on crack?" Thanks to my 16 year old daughter who uses this anytime we do or say something she doesn't agree with. Thank goodness I haven't heard it in awhile and she seems to have dropped it out of her vocabulary of late. I was getting close to shaving all my hair off and joining a monestary.

  14. "My bad" bugs me too. I always want to follow it up with "yes, it is".

    One that bugs me is "don't hate the player, hate the game" - no, dude, I hate you. For saying that. Out loud. GRRRR.

    "Hoodie" bugs me, but as far as clothing related terms, the one that sets me off faster than anything is "wife beater".

  15. "My bad", ugh I hate it! To me it is just a rude way of saying "I'm sorry" without actually saying it, so how do I know they actually mean it? I actually growl at people when they say it to me.

  16. It doesn't bother me really....but it always reminds me of a Vietnamese Food Truck last season on The Great Food Truck Race on Food Network. :)

  17. I can see where that would be irritating, along with 'my bad,' 'hoodie' and a few others. Most I can ignore, but 'whatever' sets my teeth on edge.

  18. LOL!! I just sort of ignore the noms. I find that most of these slangs get worn out with time. I'm generally a huge stickler for spelling and grammar, so I'm usually fighting the fight of "your" vs "you're". Grrr!

    I'm confused about "hoodie"... that's not really a phrase, isn't that just what it is?

  19. Lovin' the answers on these! Word!

    (Yep, I say word. Difference is, I never STOPPED saying 'word' from the 80's so it is happily engrained in my vocabulary)

  20. I'm another one who doesn't like "my bad". To me, it sounds like someone saying 'oops', the problem is it's never used in a situation where 'oops' would be appropriate.

    What gets me? Really bad spelling and grammar. People who don't read their posts before posting them - this gets really horrible on some other sites. Oh, and 'like, you know' when it's used excessively, like, you know, multiple times in, like, a sentence, you know. :)

  21. I HATE when people actually say "OMG" out loud. The acronym was made to save time from having to type the phrase but saying the acronym out loud just irks me to no end!

    But I admit, I don't mind nom nom too much and I also confess that I have used the phrase "my bad" from time to time. Now I know who NOT to say that to.

  22. Ha! I'm going to say the same thing as your hubby! "O---M---G!!!!" That obnoxious word/phrase/whatever is used at my work in the most annoying voices that I just want to start hurtling staplers through the air. I have to confess that I don't know the "nom nom" thing to be honest, but I can say it sounds rather odd.

  23. I hate 'nom nom' too! Although I always thought it was more like baby talk I definitely did associate it with overeating. Now I will associate it with 'Seven', one of the most disturbing movies I have ever seen!

  24. Aw, I like 'nom nom nom'. It reminds me of the Cookie Monster. Do you hate 'nomming' too? As in, I'm 'nomming on some cherries'? What about 'noshing'?

    Words I can't stand: crick (creek), yous (you two), whatevs, ain't, heel (hill)...I could go on and on and on and on.

  25. I can't stand "what happens in Vegas (or any other destination for that matter) stays in Vegas" I must admit nom nom does irritate me too.

  26. Bwahahahaha - okay you KNOW I thought about posting it anyways. :-)

    But look at my fabulous restraint as I resist. Impressive...right? LOL

  27. Where do I begin. . .

    "Panties" *cringe*. UNDERWEAR, please.

    "Take it to the next level". Soooooooooo overused.

    " 'All's' I need. . ." ALL'S? when did this ridiculous saying become part of our lexicon?!

  28. Before hubby went off on his business trip, he started saying a couple words that were "huh?" that turned into "Ok stop" that turned into "Say it again and I will duct tape your mouth". The two were "Whatevs" and "Rog". I love him to bits, but those two annoyed me to no end.


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