
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

All about the outdoors

The day started out on a douchey note yesterday but the Mr was taking a mental health day and we'd planned a healthy picnic and a walk on the beach.  We went to this huge hill on the other side of the area and walked up 12 flights of stairs in a row.  I know that might not sound like much to people who are used to doing that but my lungs were BURNING when I got to the top.  We'd brought our HRM's with us and by the end of our jaunt in the great outdoors, I'd burned 1200 calories so I was very happy.  We came home with a wicked sunburn (the day was very overcast and cloudy when we left but we forgot to apply sunscreen.  Sigh) and the night didn't end all that great but for that 3-4 hours, it was a great way to get some exercise since we're indoor exercisers.

OTHER than running (too easy!), what is your favorite outdoor exercise?

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  1. That sounds like such a nice day! I love doing walks/hikes in the woods. We have a state park 10 minutes from our home and take the dog there often to run around. I'm looking so forward to vacation in the Smokies next month simply for the joy of taking hikes up some mountains. I find peace when I'm out there in nature, and knowing that I'm challenging my body is an added bonus.

  2. SOunds lie you had a great day! I really enjoy going out to the peninsula and walking around the trails. The woods, the water, it's great!

  3. Well, since you asked, I really like hiking, tennis, shopping for hours (trust me, it's like a marathon with me), gardening (up and down my backyard, huge workout), mowing the grass (don't tell the husband), and my absolute favorite is swimming, but, I don't have a pool and there isn't one near me, so, can't do that.

    I burn so easily! I really like the Aveeno Baby suntan lotion (it's in a small stick like a deodorant). I throw that on over my moisturizer in the morning. I also really like the cucumber-melon aloe gel (I think from Tropicana). I'll put that in the fridge for a bit if I'm super burnt so it's nice and cool when I apply it.

  4. I love swimming - but the outdoor pool in town doesn't offer a lap swim time and 30 minutes each way is just too far to drive (although I've done it a few times). I don't mind indoor pools, but outside is better somehow.

    I also like to walk. It doesn't have a real high time/calories burned ratio, but it always helps my state of mind and that's just as important.

  5. I really enjoy hiking as well. Two years ago you wouldn't have been able to get me out to a hike if you tried. I love it now and it's a great way to enjoy the outdoors.

    Tennis is also a blast though I'm pretty terrible at it.

  6. Water aerobics/swimming, mountain biking or regular cycling, hiking and yoga. Oh and playground sports like dodgeball and tetherball!

    Sounds like a successful exercise day. Way to go!!

  7. Besides running (my #1 favorite), I love to walk, hike, and swim. I'd add bike in there, but I don't currently have one!

  8. Love seeing all of these great outdoor activities! We're about to go out and play some tennis before the humidity comes back tomorrow. (After SLATHERING on the sunscreen! My face is a little swollen still and the arms are still stingy. BOO!)

  9. Funny, I would never have chosen running in a zillion years. I love to hike in the mountians, though, on slightly hilly trails. I can't do anything too extreme yet. I can get up the trail, but my knees are screaming coming down. Slightly hilly works just fine, and it's lovely and peaceful. I used to love tennis when I was younger. It is a goal of mine to get back to that some day.

  10. Biking. It's faster then walking and you get a nice breeze (and low impact on the old joints).

  11. I am reading out of order (bad me) but I want to get caught up.

    Glad your day improved

    My favorite outdoor activity used to be horseback riding, or just in general working with the horses - but that has been a few years now ( city dweller now so no more horses).

    So I guess a toss up between going for a bike ride, or walking around soemthing like a botanical garden, or a trail with pretty scenery



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