Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Hump Day Poll: For My Gardeners

Given the state of things around these parts, I'm considering gardening to help out a little.  Obviously, I need to be super frugal and I've only truly grown herbs and some stuff in hydroponic Aerogardens which have sadly gone out of business this year so in about 6 months their parts/pods will be sparse.  (Though I'm sure I can use coconut coir for pods)  I've been looking stuff up as much as I can but I thought I'd check with my peeps and see if anyone has any tips for a new frugal gardener with zero room for much more than maybe a raised bed and a few containers.  I'm thinking some spinach, hopefully arugula, peppers and anything else you think would be helpful.  (I know for sure I'll need to make some nets because we have bastard squirrels and munks like we breed them.)

Any tips? Tricks?

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  1. Squirrels and chipmunks are cute and all but when they're stealing your food it's war!

  2. Back when I did our gardens I had really good luck with the following in both containers and little beds: potatoes, carrots, green peppers and jalapenos, lettuce and spinach, cherry tomatoes, and green onions, and cukes (need stakes though). For herbs, it was cilantro, thyme, chives, basil and rosemary. I did try broccoli and cauliflower one year and got a nice head of each, but only one, so not sure if that was a success or not. Strawberry pots are another option. My mom did those on the deck years ago.


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