Friday, March 14, 2025

What I'm Reading This Week #11

Howdy do Friday, you sassy wench.  I hope the week has treated you well and you are ready for some tomfoolery.  We have been working our collective butts off here.  I got what equates to the last of what we can do on our own in the bathroom done.  Touch up painting, caulking with caulk that was giving me fits and slowing me down, razoring off some crap parts on an edge, etc. We also busted butt on the patio area.  He was sick with a migraine Tuesday but after he got up, I went out back to unscrew everything in the patio fencing.  I really hoped we'd be able to do the project that was the goal from our last stop gap project to avert prying eyes but the Mr is tapped on projects and we'll make due for however many more seasons.  I really hoped the shelf on our grill was removable but when you do, it exposes the whole inside of the grill, the perfect size for a possum to make a home.  We shouldn't have ever gotten that damn thing, it's gargantuan.  I'm hoping for a good sale next year if the cost doesn't rise and keeping my eye on this grill.  It would solve many problems.  We threw away all of the superfluous things out back and worked on the big planter and critter cage which was beyond challenging and many lessons learned.  I have to say being on my feet all day everyday for four days straight did a lot of damage to da feets.  It wasn't pretty but I had no choice.  We also started seeds and because Aerogarden sent us an incompatible tray years ago that I didn't realize until it was past the return window so who knows, what if anything, will germinate.  I also got some sweet pea vines started which I hear are notoriously finicky so my expectations are low on those but sure would be nice since we moved the arbor to a shady spot.

Oh and y'all, rejoice with us because we officially got the vanity moved into the bathroom again.  Now we're likely getting a new countertop as we already have the new sink and faucet but as is, I'm not mad at the old look so if we decided against it, I would just repaint the faucet.  But the price of the countertop is only going to go up.  You have no idea now nice it is to friggin' brush your teeth on the same level as your beds instead of going downstairs when you're tired and brushing them there.  Or every time you go to the bathroom using hand sanitizer until you go down to wash them properly.

Also, I got my mammies grammied and got the all clear yesterday.  So here's your PSA to do the same if you haven't.  (I scheduled it a day ahead so I wouldn't be counting down in stress.  I may do that from now on!)

Now let's jump into:

6 Common Habits Podiatrists Say Are Wrecking Your Feet  (I swear you can't win.  I've always had good luck with these insoles but I think with the way Brooks redesigned their shoes, they don't work with them anymore.  Or my feet are just a hot mess that rejects everything now.)

How to spot fake job postings and avoid scams  (Good info to know for those who find themselves needing to leave their current dumpster fire.)

What is ‘Nostalgia Gardening’ — and Why You Should Try It  (Hoping to plan something along these lines.  I got my seeds started in this and will do some old school as well but having a specific person or thing in mind would be a nice touch.)

Why you should be considering picture rails and chains even in a modern interior  (I was thinking about this for the bathroom but it might not be off the table in the future for a different room.)

Before You Accept That Job Offer, Do This to Negotiate Salary  (Paying particular attention to the second paragraph of the 'negotiate more than money' section.)

The Absolute Unhinged Joy Of A Cabbage Patch Kid Name (Mine was Meredith Billie.  WTAF?!)

It's supposed to rain all weekend so I'm glad we already got the patio situated as much as we could.  I assume we'll begin work on the smaller planter as long as the big one is finished.   I assume we'll also get some of the final touches in the bathroom like hooks, putting on the vanity doors, etc so we can get the ball rolling on the countertop measurement since it'll take 4-6 weeks for it to be templated, made then installed.  Home stretch mofos!! (I hope.  You just never know around here!)

Edit:  As though on cue, now that the vanity is installed, the bathroom door thinks it's fun to not close properly.  Told you. 😖

What dazzling plans await you this weekend, my dears?

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  1. Having a working sink in the bathroom again is a game changer. Of course there is still more to do but the list has dwindled enough that it isn't as overwhelming. Almost time for the wine! Have a great weekend everyone!

    1. I felt like I was in a resort last night brushing my teeth and washing my hands a mere 10' away!! Oh we are SO cracking that wine open!!

  2. Yay you guys! So happy for you and proud of you! Well done! I'm purging more, my sons is coming to visit me next week and I don't want to embarrass him in front of new gf!
    Currently showering without a faucet handle and getting a plumber in Hopefully.
    Have a great weekend

    1. Aww, thanks!! Ooh you'll have to let me know how the visit goes and if you approve! 😆 I hope you get the faucet taken care of but first peruse YouTube for diy videos. It might be easier than you think! Have a great weekend!

  3. Congrats on having the sink back!! That is fantastic!! 👐👏That alone will make you happy to walk in the bathroom. And congrats on the garden planters!
    Loooooong day here. Spent the morning at the hospital for a new procedure with a new surgeon for the hubs. Doc was happy with what he saw, other than one small polyp by the tumor site that he sent for biopsy, but thinks it will come back fine. After recovery, came back home and I started work. Up at 3:30 am to get a jump start on work stuff with the schedule, so my eyeballs are dragging. Lol. It's 80 degrees with 50mph winds, so big storms will be here tonight. I hope you guys have a really good weekend!! xoxo


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