Chill but Productive Weekend Recap

How do all and Happy Monday to you!  I hope you're well rested from the weekend shenanigans.  Friday I busted ass to get some stuff cleaned up.  I got the craft table cleared off so I could set up the clip on grow lights I have because I'm outgrowing space in the living room.  We had a 3/4 full can of the blue paint we used in the bathroom 3 years ago and I was more than happy to pour kitty litter in it to harden it to be thrown away.  We had a bunch of crap sitting at the top of the stairs to go downstairs for months that we walk by when we go down and I finally bagged it all up and got it where it needed to go which felt good.  I know it sounds stupid and lazy but once something sits there awhile, it becomes furniture and it doesn't even register when you walk by it anymore.  I did some meal prep because I slacked on it the previous weekend.  I made some hummingbird muffins which came out really moist because I let the batter sit in the fridge for about 6 hours since I used Einkorn flour which needs more time to absorb liquid.  That got me low on it so I refilled my canister since I buy it in bulk so the next time I went to make muffins I wouldn't curse past me.  I decided I wanted to attempt to grow some zinnias to fill the side flower bed because it looks atrocious so I got a great deal on seeds and got the first batch of those soaking Friday night to be planted on Saturday.  I got aluminum 9x13 trays with lids so I could soil block and plant the zinnia seeds in those.  On the patio I'll do the pink, purple and white where I can find room and the rest of the colors in the front.  Saturday was really low key as the Mr requested (except for him putting the casters back on the planters after putting on 2x4's) and while I was happy for the break, I was also pretty antsy because I felt unproductive.

Sunday I had a bit of a headache so we had coffee and half a banana with peanut butter.  I got to some touch ups that needed done while the Mr got to switching out filters in the HVAC, water system and fridge as well as flushing the water tank.  I started on some meal prep for our burritos and penne for the next 3 weeks.  I planted the rest of the zinnia seeds and got the brussels and radishes started and moved them down to the craft table on the boot trays we had in the garage.   The Mr installed the handles on the critter cages for me that were leftover from our kitchen reno 5 years ago.  Some of them arrived chipped and I kept them 'just in case' and finally got to use 6 of the 10 we got so that felt good.  We were looking over the faucet for the bathroom and low and behold there was a friggin horrible logo on the side of the handle that we both said no friggin' way.  I asked if I should rub and buff it or not because we can't be spending $150 on another faucet that we need by tomorrow.  So I had to jump in and sand the whole thing and get to it.  It does suck because it doesn't stick well to metal in my experience and this was no exception.  The point is to get it to look patina'd but not like a steaming pile šŸ’© and I felt it was walking the line.  I wish we would've discovered this way before now because it's just more pressure to attempt to get it right and now have to settle for something.  I sealed it once and thought maybe I should do another coat because it was trying to come off on the first go round.  It stripped all of it off wherever I touched.  670,422 people have done this to their faucets and the second I try it, it shits the bed on cue.  We were forced to buy a new faucet to settle for which is still nice but not as nice aesthetically as this one.  The bathroom project bites us in the butt once again.  Awesome.  

The stress of all of that gave me an ocular migraine and I don't know if you've had one before but they're visually not fun.  I was trying to get dinner made and the second planter touched up before I couldn't see.  I tried to clean up as best I could but I have a lot ahead of me today.  It's a service guy, I really don't give a crap what he thinks of the house but trying to reign in the piles and such is in order.

At that point, I was done for the night.  We watched an episode of Dead Zone (20 years later) and settled in for the night.  While it didn't go as fast as last weekend, it still felt like it went fast at least yesterday.  

What did you guys get into this weekend?

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  1. Sounds like a very nice weekend! My son and the new gf came to visit.
    Did the typical Chicago tour, was very fun!

    1. Ooh, how'd it go?! Or is the verdict still out? šŸ˜†. Makes me miss Chicago for sure!

    2. She is definitely approved!
      First gf that ever helped in the kitchen(my bar is set low lol!)

  2. I needed the recharge and it was good. Now I'm ready to tackle the rest of everything. Enjoy your week everyone!

    1. Yeah well given what you said you wanted to do this weekend, tackle is the right word.

  3. That sounds like a great weekend of getting stuff done, and resting a bit too. Good for you guys! Weekend was good. Busy with the usual stuff. I worked yesterday because I had my mammogram and ultrasound scheduled for early this morning, so given Mondays are busy, I didn't want to get behind. So yesterday most definitely went by faster than usual. Note to self: don't schedule appts on Mondays...durp! Lol

    1. Ugh, yeah don't do that on Monday if it means no rest over the weekend! Please keep me updated on the results. Hope all is well on da boobage front!


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