Sunday, March 2, 2025

(Hopefully) My Plan This Week (3/2)

I think I've been staring at this screen for 10 minutes trying to figure out what the heck to write.  Having a plan seems so laughable given how life has thrown so much at us this year like a silverback gorilla throwing poo at the zoo at unsuspecting passersby.  The last two weeks my plans have kind of gone rogue, well I guess the week before last more so and last week was veering back on track but then just so mentally through the wringer that I was frozen.  Every day trying to get closer to some semblance of done with this damn bathroom and having another 10 obstacles thrown in our faces was demoralizing.  One step forward, four steps back almost every. single. day.  As I type, the objects around me on our armoire are shaking with each tap the Mr makes on the HVAC below.  That water alarm I mentioned Friday?  A pipe from the HVAC cracked and while it looked like an easy fix, he's now in the position of having to be incredibly careful or one wrong move will cost us hundreds in a service call and repairs that we do not have to be doling out right now.  Another cortisol/adrenaline spike for the day?  Check.

Do you know that as I type, I'm also staring at my Christmas tree.  Still up.  The bin to do the ornaments has been upstairs for 2 weeks and I have good intentions and then the other stuff creeps in and I have zero motivation to move forward.  I know it would help us both but it is a state of overwhelm so far beyond what we already have that I can't take it.  We are being swallowed by clutter.  The dining room table?  It's been covered with our old temporary shower curtain liner as a drop cloth for painting trim and other stuff for weeks.  I don't remember a meal that I'm not moving wood shavings, painted this or that or Mod Podge all of February.  Just as I thought I was ready to put that stuff away, I found a way to make a project I had to scrap work so I've got another 7-10 days with the shower liner as our tablecloth.  The workout space?  There's a card table and drop cloth over it for painting the bathroom door which doesn't look great to me but I'm not doing it again.  

Since nothing in our lives is in our control, I think of things I can control... then internally giggle like someone about to go mad in an old movie just before they lock someone up.  

I already pre-made two steak and potato bowls for lunches over the next 2 weeks.  (Shaved steak from Aldi and a 24 oz bag of little yellow potatoes tossed in olive oil and baked cut side down in the oven for 30 minutes and divided by 4 bowls.)  I have chicken thawed and protein wraps for the chicken burritos which I'll probably make today but mix the ingredients together first for the next 3 weeks.  I got organic tomato basil pasta sauce from Aldi to split between some chickpea pasta bowls with ground turkey.  I have a $5 teriyaki pork tenderloin I'll probably chuck in the crockpot to get to shred consistency for some Hawaiian caulirice bowls.  Not when I want to be doing food prep but ohzee wellsy.  

Water has suffered and I've gone back to not drinking it before getting out of bed so I need to restart that practice today.  

We've been keeping up our walking last week and I got in 10K steps almost every day.  I'd like to get back to 12K if possible.  

Lymph works went into the shitter so literally one session would be better than the week or two before.

I want the Christmas tree down this week.  Not that I don't enjoy it all but I want space to move back.  So I'll sit here with the lights off and enjoy it another day and hope the spirit moves me to hele on as they say in Hawaii.

I wish I had a little more rah rah to offer but it's all I can muster right now.

How about you?  Any goals for the week?

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