Friday, March 22, 2024

What I'm Reading This Week #12

Howdy y'all and happy Friday.  I don't know about you but I'm ready for the weekend.  It's been an emotionally exhausting week on many fronts and I've got some stuff I need sorted out that will unfortunately keep me in that mindset until I get some paperwork together and in order.  I'm hoping maybe a week or so if I can push through but I'm not putting a hard deadline on it if I need an extra week.

After talking, the Mr and I decided screw Shrek, and I had my last appointment with him yesterday.   It was not pleasant as I told him from the beginning he is NOT to touch anywhere around my neck and that effer snuck one in quickly and I was pissed.  So even if I hadn't made that decision, that little sneak attack sealed his fate with me.  The fact is, he's not using the shockwave right.  He's using it over my socks and this man's ego will not allow you to point out that every single manual or video shows it being used with ultrasound gel directly on the skin.  I've never been able to get a clear shot of the name of the machine he uses but I know what the outside looks like and we found a version on Amazon that looks identical and was basically the cost of 4 treatments.  The Mr has wanted to use it for his shoulder so even if it's a piece of crap that breaks in two months, it's still cheaper than going to a schmuck that doesn't even use it right.  So I will go back to my guy and have him do the manual manipulation on the calves/feet and the Mr and I can do shockwave maybe three times a week.  I've got a shoulder impingement that is impeding my ability to get stronger and I'm hoping it can help with that too.  

Now let's help ourselves to:

Why the Underrated Recumbent Bike May Be the Best Cardio Machine for Beginners  (The floor bike I got basically turns my couch into one and has helped strengthen so much!)

What Happens if You Wear Barefoot Shoes for 30 Days?  (Interesting read if you're considering it or even dipping your toe in for strength training like we have.)

This Body-Weight Move Builds Balance and Hip Strength  (I'm working my way up to these.)

What is the healthiest cheese? The No. 1 pick, according to a dietitian  (They give a very dietician like answer that immediately activated my throat punch mode.)

I’m a sleep coach — 3 nighttime routine mistakes that stop you from falling asleep fast  (I am desperate.  Neighbor is in a slam phase after a three week quiet phase and at this point I'm considering Ambien with all of its horrible side affects.)

6 Things Estranged Parents Must Do Before Reconciliation (How fitting both the Mr and I are left with the parents who want to take no responsibility for  what they left behind.  If you find yourself estranged from your adult child, this is a good article to start on a journey to action and healing.)

No major plans that I'm aware of.  We are getting together with my cousin today to give her her shower gifts.  I thought I could will myself to attend her shower but Mom was supposed to be heavily involved with that and the closer it gets, the higher anxiety I get and have full on meltdowns.  I will not ruin her shower and they say they understand but you know, you just hope they actually do.  I wanted to at least give them to her in person if her schedule allowed.  Other than that, kinda free and easy I guess.

Any weekend agenda planned on your end?

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  1. Another migraine morning but TGIF! Have a great weekend everyone!

  2. I'm sorry it's been such an emotional week for you. It's hard when you're in the thick of things and decisions have to be made when you least feel like having to deal with things. I hope your mind can mentally rest over the weekend as much as it'll allow.
    The week has been insane in these parts as well (as I type watching the snowstorm come down...5 inches expected after people were just gardening and mowing their lawns yesterday-- it's nuts The birds are very confused. lol). Very busy with appointments for both of us, massive amounts of work because the cyber attack issues that were "supposed" to be resolved this week are now pushed out a few weeks by that company, so it's all manual postings and with companies I've never worked with so I'm winging it. I haven't sat at my own computer all week until now. Weekend will be busy with work today and tomorrow, paperwork stuff we need to get in order and dealt with, and laundry, grocery shopping, the whole nine yards, then church on Sunday. There will be no downtime this weekend but I'm hoping for a little bit next weekend.
    I hope you both have a good weekend and can get rest where you need it, have a bit of fun where you can, and your visit with your cousin goes well. It'll be emotional without a doubt, but I hope you guys can connect deeply on that level in your shared grief. Big hugs my friend. xoxoxoxoxo


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