Friday, March 15, 2024

What I'm Reading This Week #11

Top o' the morning to ya, this Friday before St. Patty's Day. ☘️  We're halfway through the month somehow so if you had beginning of the month goals you wanted to meet in an area of your life, are you still on track?  I had my deep tissue massage with a woman who used proper pressure this time which was awesome.  I still could've stood a little more but it was good and I'll likely go to her again.  I had my appointment right after with my chiro, not Shrek.  Since his office is right next to the shockwave dude, I had a post-it ready and when he closed the door I flashed it.

"FYI - you have set the bar for chiropractors unreachably high..."

He smiled- I flipped it over.

"Are you SURE you don't do shockwave therapy!?"

He laughed and said he loved it and how I kept it on the downlow.  I showed him the pain drawing I presented the brute and said "if I'd come to you with this, how would you have proceeded?"  He said it very obviously looked like a posterior chain issue and stemming from my usual trouble spots.  He said while my plantar fascia is affected, he didn't think it was presenting as plantar fasciitis.  I asked if the shockwave was a waste of time and he said some people respond really well, other people it does nothing or very little.  He said it can't hurt but he wouldn't go past the 6-8 typical protocol.  He had me lay down on my stomach and checked my calves in the exact way the brute did only two days prior and told me they were absolutely fine and said "oh wow, yeah...LOTS of adhesions in there."  I KNEW IT!!!!!  I knew I wasn't crazy.  He did some release on my problem areas, where I ASKED for it with the other guy, and then asked if the other guy was adjusting my feet.  I said no, so he did my ankles and I told him I was going to finish out the shockwave with the other dude then come back to him.  He said he was going to look over my x-rays at lunch and because the other one was out the beginning of the week, I would go back to my guy and have him work on me again then do my next shockwave Friday.  That'll be #4 under my belt so 2-3 more after that.  I'll schedule those and tell him that I'll see how things improve.  I DO NOT want him adjusting my ankles.  The LMT told me she'd been adjusted by him a few times and he was aggressive and she hasn't been back.  When my guy asked how it was going I raised my eyebrows and shook my head and said "he's a bit aggressive" and he smiled and said "I get that feedback a lot from people who toggle back and forth between us."  So yeah, my time with that schmuck is limited.  I will say that after our walk, I didn't have quite as much pain so I'm hopeful my guy will get me where I need to be.  

Now let's get to: 

The 5 Best Exercises to Relieve Shoulder Pain (Mine are being real buttholes over the past month.  I have to say I'm glad I remembered I had this baby because it has helped loosen things up!)

I’m a dietitian — here’s the biggest mistake people make when trying to lose weight (Sorry but I don't agree.  I totally get where they're coming from but when you have more than 30 lbs to lose or you're working toward being able to do an activity with a weight limit, you unfortunately need that metric.)

Pasta Can Help You Lose Weight, Unless You’re Making These 8 Mistakes  (Good, we're in the clear!  If you'd told us we'd be eating lentil or chickpea pasta on the regular, I would've laughed in yo face!)

How To Prevent Sarcopenia & Retain Muscle As You Age  (It hits you faster than you think!)

Stress-Eating and Can’t Stop? New Research Just Found a Scientific Explanation  (Really interesting and tricky but my Lord the foods they used for the study?  Seriously?)

15 Natural Remedies for Arthritis Pain Relief (I guess I get to start paying attention to this kind of crap now. 🙄)

Science-Backed Benefits Of Ginger Tea & The Best Times To Drink It  (I like to add this tea with a green tea bag to make it taste better and get the benefits they talk about because green tea alone tastes like liquid sadness.)

Dave Grohl watching U2 at the closing night of their MSG Sphere residency is EveryDad  (I feel both elated and creepy watching the video but he's so pure I can't help it.)

Not sure what the weekend has in store for us yet.  The Mr is recovering from his leg stuff with more to go over the next weeks so I'm sure that'll dictate some of it.  

How was your week?  Any weekend plans?

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  1. You guys sure had a busy week with appointments. So glad your appointments yesterday went so well! I hope you two can have some downtime over the weekend to recoup a bit. All usual stuff here with work, grocery shopping, house stuff, and church this weekend. Nothing fancy. lol Hope you guys have a super weekend!!

  2. It went by fast since we were so busy. I'm so glad you got the chance to see your original chiropractor and I'm not surprised at all that one session with him helped more than 3 with the other guy. Sounds like a good plan to ease yourself away from the brute after shockwave is done. Have a great weekend everyone!


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