Thursday, January 11, 2024

A Moment in the Life: Clue Edition

Since I don't have enough of a life right now to warrant a full post, I may start bringing you a Moment in the Life.  Something that catches my attention in the day to day.  

Yesterday it was the view the Mr sees every night when we retire to watch Lord knows what for the evening.

It's like Mr. Body doling out the weapons in Clue that he has to scooch aside to hop into bed.  

So the question is was it Mrs. Peacock, in the bedroom with the lymphatic tool, rumble ball, yoga strap or metal muscle scraper?

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  1. Too funny but also a glimpse into the gimping world of late stage middle age, or whatever it's called now.

    1. Oh if we'd only shown that the 17/19 year old us!! They'd be like 'what is WRONG with you in the future!?!?'

  2. Do any of these tools do what is claimed? I have a foam roller but it didn't really do much.

    1. I think flat foam rollers are crap. The only one that has ever done anything for me is this one: You can dig in without it being too severe. You can also line up your shins and roll those between the divots and it does an amazing job loosening things up and that's saying something coming from me. All of the tools in the pic all have specific uses that help me. The steel scraper is used for Graston therapy which when you apply oil or lotion on the spot and run it over it, it helps break up adhesions which limit mobility. The wood lymphatic thingy gives nice broad strokes for IT band or quad loosening and then those little points can get trigger points. The rumble ball is the big kahuna and I'll rest my calf on it to try to release knots. The yoga strap I currently use to lengthen the achilles since it's really shortened right now but its also good to assist stretches after walks laying in bed. Hope that helps!

  3. I need those sheets in my life! Someday... I'm putting myself on a tight budget this year, so only things that are really needed, but maybe they are, to go with all of my peanuts pictures and stuffed dolls that I have, ok enough of trying to justify it in my head!

    1. Here's the link to them:

      I'll tell you this, they NEVER go on sale so the price is what it is. I'm on year three I think and they're holding up really well. They're flannel, I'm a hot sleeper and they don't bother me at all. I say start off the year with a good investment! 😁


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