Monday, June 5, 2023

Helping a Critter in Need Weekend Recap

Howdy do, all?  I hope you had a great weekend and are ready for the week.  

I knew adding strength back in was going to freak my body out so no weight lost for me.  (One for the Mr.)  Definitely going to have to be a slow go back into strength.  We basically stopped when the remodel started at the beginning of March since we had no formal workout space anymore for it.  We should've just done band workouts or something but too late for that.  So I'd say twice a week for a month for sure before upping it to 3x week because 10 lb weights killed us both.  

It was hotter than Hades out there this weekend.

Our intent was to run out and grab lunch but then it was like "let's see if there are any geocaches close."  We weren't up for anything with a bunch of hunting around so a search of park and grabs was in order and before we knew it, we had 22 under our belt for the day which was our best day yet since we started at the turn of the century.  You'd be surprised how many light poles you pass with something like this underneath.

They don't all look like that but it's nice when people spice it up a bit.  Every open of the door was like letting Satan sit in the car.  It was disgusting out but it was nice to tool around town and see if we could do them without drawing attention to ourselves.  I will say it kind of stinks that so many park and grabs are at crappy, stupid spots.  The whole point of it was to take you somewhere interesting or have a story to go with it.  Now it's like "here, go to this abandoned parking lot past the potholes and that one creepy car that shouldn't be there."  *rolling eyes*  After a full day of that, we were pretty beat.  Our Paramount+ subscription expired so we figured it was time to fire up the crapple TV and turns out for some reason Best Buy was running a 3 month free subscription for customers.  Don't mind if we do since we're running out of things to watch.  We started the first episodes of shows we were looking forward to.  Ted Lasso, Silo, Shrinking and Severance.  It's very trippy watching Shrinking after just finishing Freaks and Geeks to see Nick Andopolis go from a young nugget to, well, my age.  😆  We both agree we're going to have to be desperate to watch any more of Severance.  The concept is good but execution is s-l-o-w and at an hour a pop, I don't have that attention span anymore.

Sunday we woke up to a water main break and low water pressure.  Aces.  We decided to get a jump on the heat and get a walk at the park.  It was still stickier than anticipated even after a pretty nice little pop up Saturday but we made the 12 laps.  The Mr was quick to spot a snapping turtle that looked like she was about to lay eggs.  

There was a birthday party about to set up and we knew it was 30 minutes away from getting harassed by unparented children.  We let the ranger know and he was a cute lil old nugget who looked perplexed as to what to do.  We envision his internal dialogue going something like this "dammit, I took the Sunday shift out of retirement because it was supposed to be me driving around doing nothing.  People ruin everything."  He called his boss and she came over and they put caution tape around it so it would be left alone.  I hope she got some peace because otherwise I'm pretty sure she was going to get stepped on or ridden seeing some of the heathens around there most days.  So we did our good deed for the day.  After that, we had brunch and it was time for a nappy poo on the couch while listening to a crap jazz loop on YouTube.

What did you get into this weekend?

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  1. I'm glad we really got out there and we had the most epic geocaching day ever! The weekend went by fast though and I feel like I need another day off. Oh well, hopefully this week brings good weather we can walk in and go see the turtle!

    1. Me too. Certainly didn't expect to do that many but when you keep going in half mile increments and then go "what else is close by" then you can get quite a streak going!

  2. It was really hot here on Friday and Saturday, too, but Sunday turned out to be a really nice day with the breeze. Had usual work stuff and house stuff to do, plus grocery shopping. Sunday was nice with having a 3-hour conversation with a friend of mine that I don't get to talk to that often. Got the hubs car back from the dealership from repairs he needed to have done. It goes back Thursday to complete the part that was on order. Then mine goes in the next week for a motor mount repair that's under warranty. So far it's nice outside with just enough cloud cover to keep it a little cooler.

    1. I'm glad Sunday was cooler for you and you were able to talk to your friend. It's always so nice to catch up. Sorry you're both having to deal with car stuff. Always seems to happen at the same time or close to it. We just got two new recalls AGAIN. Never again, Hyundai.

  3. I need me an epic geocache day!!! My stats have been horrible for a few months as my geocaching partner got hurt and then life just keeps getting in the way!

    1. Sorry to hear your partner got hurt! Hope they're on the mend so you can go out and get some treasures! I'm always glad to see a small or medium one so we can leave a little booty in there. We've been leaving stickers in small plastic baggies so no weather or critters get to them. Can't believe how often we've had to use tweezers lately too!


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