Friday, December 16, 2022

What I'm Reading This Week #50

A happy and joyous Friday to you all!  Do you know what's fun?  Dropping off Christmas gifts at the rhymes with Flu P S Store (one for the same city but they're high risk too so you do the right thing) and having them never scan the packages and lose an entire truck.  Yep.  We're one of the stories you read about and think "glad it's not me" because, of course we are.  The employee at the store said a minimum of 40 people contacted them yelling about their packages not being delivered and a call to the hub saw that "oh, that truck sat there for two days still loaded."  Yes, because this is what we need to deal with on top of regular holiday stress.  I've had a migraine for 3 days straight and if you think I haven't stress eaten and drank flat wine to cope, you'd lose that bet.  

I'm trying to pump myself up because this is the last week before it's all over next Sunday night.  I need to start planning our Christmas festivities menus.  Our dating anniversary is the day before Christmas Eve and I'd like to do a festive afternoon tea this year.  But after the past few weeks topped onto the previous months- it may just be me getting blackout drunk for the first time and passing out with buttercream frosting on my lips from cut outs I shove in and cry after every bite.  Where was I?  Oh yeah, trying to make a festive memory, not a pathetic one.  I'm going to research some bakeries to see if I can pick up some assorted goodies from a few spots to make a lovely 31 year spread.  (As one does.) Who says the 5's and 0's should get all of the love when celebrating anniversaries?  

Now let's celebrate:

Zone 2 Cardio: Definition, Benefits & How To Know When You're In It  (Good to hear because mama can't do plyo much anymore!  If you're looking for a new smart watch, the Mr swears by his Pixel.  He's run the gamut with a bazillion watches and this is the one he's been happiest with by far.)

101 Small-But-Mighty Pieces Of Relationship Advice To Strengthen Yours  (Wow, some great stuff here.  Remember as the stress of the season arises, it's important to remember your biggest ally!)

How to Get Unstuck From the Stories That Trap You  (Oh man do I need to read this several times and let it marinate.)

What Makes A 'Core Memory'?  (Super interesting read!)

Our 35 Easiest Ever Christmas Cookie Recipes  (One of each?  If y'all don't have this cookie scoop for cookie baking day, I highly recommend it.  Actually, I have two.  Makes balling so much easier.   Wait for it.   That's what she said.)

Why Are People Putting Wax Paper On Top Of Their Fridge?  (Uh because they're apparently geniuses!  I LOATHE cleaning up there...when I do.  This (and the eco friendly option) will save so much time and yarf noises as I clean!)

5 Mistakes I’ll Never Again Make When Hosting The Holidays  (For my hosters out there.  Almost looked like hosers.  Hey Canadian readers, do you still says hosers or did that die in the 80s?)

Lead and Cadmium Could Be in Your Dark Chocolate  (We are crushed.  The Trader Joe's 72% Pounds Plus that we've been enjoying every weeknight for years (when in stock) is LOADED WITH LEAD!!!!   This Consumer Reports study is appalling so check and make sure your indulgence, including organic brands, is not poisoning you!)

While I didn't get my four submissions for sharing your Christmas trees but I did get one and I'm breaking my own rule and sharing it because it's too fantastic not to.  Everyone enjoy Dawn's gorgeous wall tree!

Isn't that pretty and it doesn't take up floor space!  Thanks so much for sharing Dawn!  

Also, thank you to everyone for their kind comments on our master bedroom reveal!  It really means a lot.  I hope y'all are ready for DIY adventures aplenty because project posts are afoot in the coming weeks.  You're going to get to see the good, bad and the ugly.  I saved it for the holidays because if your family or holiday aggravations make you think your life stinks in the moment, my posts will be here to remind you of how much worse things could be.  😁

I'm looking forward to hopefully a weekend of soaking in the season and spending some quality time with my boo hopefully hearing our packages have been delivered to their recipients and they are enjoying the cookies I baked them even if past the intended receive date.  (YOU HEAR ME UNIVERSE??!?!  Ahem, I mean, "doth thou heareth my plea oh great unknown who always cometh through for us in some wayeth or another?  (Does speaking faux Shakespearean speed things up?  *shrug*)

How are you spending this weekend?  Say it's not checking your claims for movement like I will be.

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  1. I hate that we just cannot trust mail anymore even when you think you'll get better service by paying more. All it takes is one cog in the big machine and it all shuts down. Have a great weekend everyone!

  2. I am so looking forward to you two having a great holiday weekend!! You need all the festive lights, sounds, and smells of the season and I hope there's plenty of relaxation time for all of it. I'm so sorry about your shipping woes. That absolutely stinks...grrrrr! I'm dealing with an Etsy issue that has me royally honked off.
    The hubs just put my new license plates on my car that he bought for me, so I'm excited to go see them. We have a quick grocery store run, hair cuts at our friend's house, and one load of laundry to do. Swimming for the pooch tomorrow. Temps are dropping into the teens for highs next week so we are not looking forward to that. Have a super duper, awesome, wonderful, soak-in-all-the-holiday joy kind of weekend!!! xoxoxo

  3. I forgot to add that yes, Dawn's wall tree is GORGEOUS!! What a spectacular idea to have on the wall so space is not an issue. Looks fantastic!


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