Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Hump Day Poll: When and How Long?


When do you put up your Christmas tree and how long do you keep it up?

As you saw Monday, we just got the tree up Saturday which is 1-2 weeks later than usual for us.  We usually take it down anywhere from mid to late January.  We've walked the neighborhood and even seen a few people in March still have theirs up!

(If you're one of those who put it up on Christmas Eve and takes it down before New Years, the Mr and I are curious if it's worth it to you?  That's a lotta work for a week's worth of enjoyment.)

When do you put up your Christmas tree and how long do you keep it up?

**ALSO!  If anyone is interested in sharing their tree for a post next week, leave a comment below, message me on Facebook or mrs{at}successalongtheweigh{dot}com.  If you have a story to go with it or anything you'd like included, let me know with the pics.  I need a minimum of FOUR participants to do a post and would need them no later than Monday, December 12th.  I know it's late but someone sent me their adorable tree on FB and I wanted to give the opportunity for people to share.**

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  1. I put it up usually day after Thanksgiving. I take it down at last call for city pickup which is usually 3rd week of January

  2. I do like having it up just after Thanksgiving and keeping it up until mid January. Send those pics in people!

  3. I don't think we have a hard and fast rule that I can think of. Rarely do we get it up Thanksgiving weekend, but it has happened a few times in recent years. For the most part I think it's the first week or so of December (possibly today as a matter of fact). One time it wasn't until the week before Christmas and that was too short of a time. As for taking it down, anywhere from end of January to part of February since we just have lights on ours so it gets us through the doldrums of winter.

  4. I prefer it up the weekend after Thanksgiving. I take the ornaments etc off about New Years. I often leave it up with just the lights until late January or early February. We have a 6’ super skinny tree that I usually put in the back living room window, on the window seat, so it takes up no floor space.


Thanks for taking the time to comment! I appreciate your time! (Heads up though...disrespectful or spam comments will be deleted.)

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