Friday, December 23, 2022

What I'm Reading This Week #51

Holy crap balls, it's here!  Christmas weekend is upon us and I hope you're ready for it whether that means being with family and friends, keeping it simple and celebrating as a couple or staying in your PJ's all day with a stocking full of goodies binge watching whatever to your heart's content!  (Or a mix of all of the above.)  

No time to shilly shally, let's binge:

Physical therapist shares 4 common habits that are weakening your pelvic floor  (Didn't think of any of this!  Good stuff to know.)

12 Habits of Genuine People  (Good, I tick most of the boxes!  LOL)

7 Things Doctors Do Every Day Before Breakfast for More Energy (Dude, if I do the last one, I'm going back to bed after!)

Upside Down Hair Washing May Add Volume and Clean Deeper  (Might have to give it a try because I always feel like the area on the bottom by my ears never feels clean enough to me.  Oh and try not to pass out.)

We all use phones on the toilet. Just don't sit more than 10 minutes.  (I beg to differ there are three types of people and some of us don't lie about it!)

Ctrl+Shift+T: The Keyboard Shortcut Not Enough People Know About  (Uh...mind blown.  I'm probably the last person to know about this.)

The Best Christmas Towns in America You Should Visit at Least Once  (Wow, we've been to a few of these- many more than once.)

Savage Tweets Perfectly Nail Every Hallmark Christmas Movie Ever Made  (Have we reached saturation point with these damn movies??  I always wonder if they'll end up together.  😏)

Joe Pesci Reflects on Making 'Home Alone 2' as Movie Turns 30  (Sorry about your head but that's my favorite scene.)

Today is our "I love you" anniversary.  31 years of...all of it.  Good times, bad times, challenging times, triumphant times.  Yes, it might be weird to some to celebrate a dating/I love you anniversary but I think it's just a little more special.  Wedding anniversaries are easy (well, for most) but remembering where it all started and how our holidays changed forever from that moment on is something to celebrate.  

We want to wish you and your loved ones a happy, healthy, peaceful holiday weekend.  Remember to take time to breathe and take it all in.  It goes by so fast.  By Sunday afternoon/evening, the anticipation will be over and in the books.  These coming days are the most magical so enjoy the magic whether you're making it for others or yourself.

Merry Christmas!

How are you spending this weekend?

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  1. Have a wonderful Christmas weekend everyone and stay safe and warm with all the weather events happening.

  2. Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄 ❤


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