Friday, December 9, 2022

What I'm Reading This Week #49

Tip of the top hat to you this fine Friday morn!  It's been a busy week and I am ready for the weekend.  I have to say it's been nice to enjoy a Christmas tree lit on both levels, a first for us.  Who knows, maybe by next year we'll have three and put one in the office?  (side eye from the Mr)  Also getting excited for the bedroom reveal next week as I finally got a froofy I was waiting on.  Now just have a poop ton of posts to edit since I can take final pics.  It's gonna be a very DIY December so I hope you're all ready for it.

Now let's get ready for:

Coffee Isn’t Consumed as a Morning ‘Pick-Me-Up’ by Many of the Longest-Living People on the Planet  (Still can't believe the Mr and I had to take this up as suggested by his liver doc.  Adding 1/2 tsp of dark 100% cocoa helps though.)

3 Reasons Why You Should Rewash That Pre-Washed Bag of Lettuce, According to Food Scientists  (Dammit, I don't want to!  You've either triple washed it or you haven't.)

Rosemary Oil For Hair: Benefits, Side Effects, and How to Use It  (I've got some of this!  I'll have to use it regularly because my hair has been falling out in clumps the past two months.)

Dementia Rates Have Decreased by Nearly ⅓, According to a New Report—Here Are Ways to Help Lower Your Risk  (Always be on the lookout for tools to slay the dragon who may be lurking.)

I Tested Positive For BRCA1: How My Health Journey Was Affected By These Results  (PLEASE read this!  I got tested for BRCA when my interim gynie saw there was a history of bladder, pancreatic and ovarian cancer on my mom's side.  I tested negative so she said it was just an unlucky roll of the dice but that more rare cancers often show up with BRCA.)

Just Because Someone Is Dead, Doesn’t Mean You Have to Like Them  (Shared by Tyler Henry and it's a pretty accurate read. I know, not a very holiday cheery read but not everyone who dies was a stellar human.)

Lawsuit Alleges Laundress Gave Customers Bacteria With Detergents  (I just had to send my info to hopefully get a refund.  SO ticked because I LOVED the smell of this stuff!)

Holiday Recipes You Can Freeze Ahead To Save Time Later  (Yes please!  Definitely good to have some pre-made meals because so often you just cannot even.)

Unexpected Ways to Use Old Cardboard Around the House  (Some genius ideas to recycle and upcycle some of the holiday gift boxes getting delivered!)

The Best Christmas Garlands for This Holiday Season  (Gorgeous!!  Really good ones can be so hard to find!)

How to Fix a Snag in Your Sweater or Other Weaved Clothes  (Y'all, this WORKS!  I got a sweater that arrived damaged and got to keep it but I can't do snags.  This dude's second method worked like a charm.  Works for sweaters, polos or any other material where there is a weave involved.)

We're probably going to go drive around this weekend with some cocoa and look at neighborhood lights.  It's still one of our favorite traditions and one that thankfully can be done any day of the week if for some reason we don't get to it.  I'm sure a yuletide movie or two is on tap as well!

What's on tap for you this weekend?

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  1. It is nice having the second tree up in the bedroom and watching TV with it all lit up. Can't wait to see what everyone thinks of the upcoming pictures of everything soon. Have a great weekend everyone!

  2. We currently have furnace guys here installing our new one, so I'm looking forward to not feeling electrocuted when I touch metal or the dog as the new humidifier is being installed with it. Have to run to the bank, and then we need to grocery shop this afternoon (I hate doing it any time other than morning, but need to go with the flow today), then get laundry done. Tomorrow we'll take our pooch for a short swim session to see how his shoulder does. Then I need to bake some treats for gifts. It's currently sleeting outside so it's slippery and gloomy.
    Have a wonderful time driving around looking at lights! I noticed a lot of people have decorated outside this year, which has been fun to see. Enjoy basking in your decorations -- you've more earned calm and cozy nights with the sparkle of trees!!!


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