Friday, November 25, 2022

What I'm Reading This Week #47

Happy Friday all!  Does anyone do Black Friday stuff anymore?  I never have but wasn't sure if that was still a thing since most stores have supposedly had month long deals.  I hope all of my American peeps had a great Thanksgiving whether it was a full on family bonanza that makes you look forward to (or dread) Christmas or low key like ours.  

Now let's get to:

The Best Way to Wash Your Dirty Pillow, Without Making it Lumpy  (Better get on this.  Or maybe just buy a new pillow.  Pffft.)

5 Subtle Signs Of Insecurity That'll Kill Any Relationship  (Good things to be on the lookout for.)

Don’t Throw Away Those Silica Gel Packets! Here Are 14 Ways to Reuse Them (Ooh, some really good suggestions!  We just unrolled a ton in an area rug.)

Tips for Tighter Miters and Better Coped Joints  (Good tips.  Don't worry Mr, this just popped up in my feed.  I wouldn't be dumb enough to suggest any projects.)

60 Clever Stocking Stuffers the Men in Your Life Will *Actually* Use  (A few good suggestions and some the Mr actually has but some real head shakers too.)

67 Decor Ideas That'll Seriously Upgrade Your Christmas Tree  (Yes, please!  I saw an idea about making sachets with essential oil to make your fake tree smell real.  I think that'd be a nice mindless project.)

I don't have specific plans.  I know the Mr will be watching football so that'll leave me free for whatever.  

What are you up to this weekend?  What was on your Thanksgiving table?

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  1. This is the football weekend I have been waiting for and it's nice to have plans that don't require power tools for a change haha! Have a great weekend everyone!

  2. The hope for today is to finish up in the garage and keep working in the kitchen. We have to do a simple run to the grocery store, but not sure if he wants to do that today or wait until tomorrow. Enjoy a nice weekend!!


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