Friday, November 4, 2022

What I'm Reading This Week #44

Hello helloooo and happy Friday to yoooou!  I hope you all were lucky enough to get some goblins earlier in the week with trick or treat!  It super sucks to live in a neighborhood where there are none to be found.  I always thought that would be the pinnacle of homeownership but I was wrong...that title goes to never-ending projects no matter how "done" you think you are.  We've had some major projects going on most years for the past 5 or 6 years.  A new patio, remodeling the basement, remodeling the kitchen and leveling the second floor with floor replacement and bedroom purges/remodels.  Are we done yet??

(No.  The answer is no.)

Now let's jump into:

Vitamin E Foods, Health Benefits, and Recipes  (I am constantly low on this!  Vitamin E supplementation needs to be discussed with your doctor as they can be dangerous.  They advise starting with a low dose but check on that one before ever supplementing with it!)

6 Best Fiber Supplements That Will Keep Your Gut Happy  (Happy gut, happy butt!  Even though I get plenty of fiber, I submitted to the former doc's wishes for me to wave the old lady flag and start taking this.)

Scientists Just Found a Link Between COVID-19 and Developing Alzheimer's  (The numbers and speed at which it happens are terrifying.)

Warning Signs That Precede An Electrical Fire  (Mr, we should probably talk to someone about that first floor seemingly overloaded circuit crap.)

Obituary: Florence Miles, 1922-2022  (Y'all...READ THIS.  I have never in my life read a more amazing obituary.  It's long but WORTH IT!)

Rescue Dog With Wild Zoomies Becomes The Calmest Big Brother  (Aww...da sweetest!  I love how gentle he is and that he asks permission!)

Concert Goer Throws Roll of Film on Stage, Band Mails Photos Back  (OMG!!! This is so cool and even more awesome this young, up and coming band back in the day did it!  After seeing how many people just watch concerts through their phone screens AT the concerts, I almost pine for the days when cameras were outlawed and you had to sneak your 110 in in the front of your pants!)

Is it weird that we're excited to be meeting our new primary care physician??  That dumb witch we've been putting up with for the past 10 years is in our rear view and I'm just praying this one is a good one.  She's closer to our age, maybe a little younger so she isn't close to retirement yet.  She's got some pounds on her (maybe 40 lbs overweight or so) and we both feel that she may actually HEAR us when we tell her we've lost 200 lbs on our own and exercise 6 days a week instead of never looking up while checking off her boxes and then handing us a pamphlet about weight loss at the end and making a personal note to exercise more and eat more fruits and veggies, of which I get more than 6 servings of on the daily.  It's also pathetic that doctor's websites who CLAIM they're taking new patients aren't and you have to waste your time reading through all of the reviews to get amped up only to be told no, they aren't.  Our medical system is beyond broken y'all.  Anyhoo.  Hoping the Mr and I find some mischief to get into this weekend.

Any mischief planned for yours?

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  1. I am looking forward to a new doctor. Some might say that is a hassle but if they knew our current one they would agree this is a move in the right direction. It would be nice to get into some mischief this weekend. Enjoy the weekend everybody!

  2. Got off work this morning, then we went grocery shopping then to the storage unit to bring home a VERY heavy dresser that we managed to fit in my car with the legs sticking into my head and side. That was quite the trip home with him following with the mirrors and glass tops. The dresser is now in the garage and we'll figure out getting it into the basement by next week. One more night of work then I'm done until next Wednesday so that will give me time to work on house stuff -- and sleep!
    I hope you DO get into some good mischief over the weekend and can enjoy some fall colors (our trees are now almost naked from some windy days). And good luck at the new doctor!! I hope it's a great fit! I changed 3 times in 3 years, so I get it.


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