Friday, June 24, 2022

What I'm Reading This Week #25

Holy poop, the last Friday of June!  As always, it flies by.  At least next weekend many of us will have a long weekend to look forward to.  I have to say, we've gotten a LOT of crap done this month and that feels quite good.  My mind immediately goes to all of the things we still have to do but I need to learn to enjoy those victories when they happen because it seems so few and far between.  I have big plans for the main bedroom but there is so much to be done there that only a match would truly take care of but probably not a great idea.  I'll need to make some tough decisions about what truly needs to take up closet space which is basically where my childhood lives along with odds and ends that served me at one point but will need to see if they still 'spark joy' now.  *barf emoji*  BTW, when did it go from emoticon to emoji.  Like it seemed to happen overnight that emoticon was the way to determine old people from young people.  "Oh, she said emoticon, so laaaame!"  I know this didn't just happen, it's been years but I so rarely type the word emoji (which is stupid and makes no sense) and welcome to the path of my brain.  Sorry.

Now let's welcome...

Do Slow Reps Build More Muscle?  (All I know is my muscles definitely feel it the next day after doing a ChaLean Extreme where that is her focus.)

The 7 Best Oblique Exercises That Aren't Side Planks   (Holy sh*tballs, these look like they'll do the trick and we need to add them but I'm skeered!  I never understood #2 though because it feels like you're doing nothing with resistance bands so I'd probably skip that unless I did it with a dumbbell.)

5 Ways to Declutter When Nothing Else Works  (Who knew there were so many different methods?)

The Downsides of Retirement That Nobody Talks About  (I don't know how anyone can retire anymore.  We literally made a retirement plan we were excited about, sank $12K into our IRA's and then the financial shitshow that is the past 8 months laughed in our faces.)

Margaret Hamilton Wicked Witch on Sesame Street **FOUND FOOTAGE**  (What a wonderful episode and too bad it was immediately banned for being "too scary!"  This is almost as golden as when she was on Mr Roger's explaining that she was just a sweet old lady acting as a witch for a movie so kids wouldn't be scared of her.  I loved Margaret Hamilton!)

Not really sure what is on tap for the weekend for us.  We got two more samples of flooring from Home Depot yesterday and thought we'd found a winner.  Then we looked at a few reviews and how crappily it was constructed and sadly had to cross it off the list.  The Mr called another place on the one we thought we'd decided on but could save $1000 getting it through them but we wanted a sample first to make sure it matches the sample we got from the manufacturer.  I checked my email and I finally got a response from a flooring company we both really liked but wanted a sample before committing.  She said she'd send it right out and I have two more samples coming from Lowe's on Tuesday so it should be next week that we can hopefully have all of our options in front of us.  We need to make a decision soon on what we want.  It is maddening trying to find stuff that has good reviews and isn't going to break the bank.  The Mr has gone on a mini spree to set us up to have a good mimic of a table saw when we're ready.  He got a circular saw guide, an edge guide and some clamps that will make it easier too.  Given we don't have a table saw, this will make things leaps and bounds easier because using a jigsaw just doesn't cut it.  

What's shakin' for y'all this weekend?  

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  1. We have grocery shopping today and I'll be working on the kitchen mess while the hubs does the vacuuming. Tomorrow is a meeting and swimming for the dogs. One of our dogs is having dental surgery next week so we have some prep work to do for that. Looking forward to a few days of cooler weather coming up. I worked in the basement yesterday and completely cleaned out/reorganized the giant shelving unit that holds all the Longaberger stuff, so now I know exactly what I have. And finally have all the pottery on one long shelves so I can see that better too. Funny, but I seem to have several empty boxes so I must have given away more than I thought and forgot to include the box! Also found some honeymoon pictures and pics from our old apartment with our first dog and another dog we vaguely remembered but I had no clue why we had this pup. The hubs remembered after a few hours and we were cracking up at how tolerant our dog was to this pup climbing all over him! Funny stuff.

  2. Yeah wow, hard to believe June is almost over already but then again it also dragged in some ways too. At least there is another holiday to look forward to though. Have a great weekend everybody!


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