Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Hump Day Poll: Cuz You Don't Even Know...

Man, that was a good song, especially for workouts.  One moment whilst I go boogie.


What is something little you do for someone else that they don't know you do for them?

I purposely eat the split baby carrots as I come across them because I know the Mr doesn't like them and will actually go without carrots if that's all that's left.  I don't mind them.  😊

What is something little you do for someone else that they don't know you do for them?

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  1. Aww thanks for eating those! Nope, I don't like the split ones. I have my reasons. So I guess something I do that you may not know, but probably do know, is I clean clogged hair out of the tub drain when I see it first.

    1. Your reasons are you're a weirdo. :-P Thanks on the hair from the drain stop. Just so you know, I let it sit there so it can dry because I'm not picking that shizz up wet and goopy but then when I go to get it, it's gone! LOL

  2. I cut out coupons and put them around the grocery stores for people to use. I get happy when someone can use a dollar or two off of something.

    1. I bet there's some happy dancin' going on in stores around your area!


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