Monday, October 18, 2021

Walky Weekend Recap

It was a walking weekend for us.  With the first signs of Fall finally starting to come out weather wise, even our rest day couldn't be contained.  We started things out Friday with a walk around a park when the Mr got off half an hour early and this guy was waving his tail at us.

It was the last of the hotter days (I hope) at 80 degrees but we walked two interconnecting parks which made for a nice change of pace.

Saturday we somehow got a late start but at 62 degrees for a high, I wanted to be out in it especially since our forecast changed from the rain we were supposed to get to sun.  Off to Grandpa's cemetery on the other side of town and enjoyed quiet time and some old statues.

I always love the ones with Celtic knots that looks so intricate.

Sunday we had brunch then decided to walk it off in the historic district.  As you can see, barely a scrap of Fall color to be found.

Kind of irritating about the Fall color but the winds moved in like they knew it was time to blow them off the trees.  Hopefully with them not being ready yet, it means maybe the winds will pass by the time they're ready to show some color?  

We were going to road trip to see Halloween Kills at a drive in but after driving for our walk and lamenting on the stupidity we saw in 25 minutes on the drive back, we felt like the drive in sounded better on paper since we always end up getting annoyed by people.  We decided to save our sanity, grab the cozy blanket and the fancy licorice we got for movie night already and rent it on Peacock Premium since we saw they released it there too.  It was cool how they started the movie so I'd recommend it for anyone who liked the original.

What did you get into this weekend?

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  1. It is nice to see pictures from our weekend on these because it reinforces the memories of the things we notice on our walks and I like that. As always the weekend goes by so fast but always nice to go back to some of these and see what we got into!

  2. Sounds like a fantastic weekend! Mine was very busy appointments, cleaning, shopping, work, etc. Busy but accomplished, so I can't complain. The chili I made yesterday in my new crock pot was outstanding! Didn't miss the beans at all because the celery, oddly enough, had a similar texture and was delicious. Now I have lunches for the whole week! LOL Looking forward to the fall weather we're going to have this week. It sure came on fast from where we work a couple of weeks ago.

  3. Friday was my one Friday a month I have to go to school, so there was 1/3 of my weekend. Saturday we went to the pumpkin patch and I got some green chiles too (yum). Sunday was just a blah day, I could tell I was coming down with a cold even though I wasn't really sick yet.


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