Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Hump Day Poll: Outdoor Appeal


Your outdoor décor right now this year:

Autumn theme
Do dead flowers count?

Do dead flowers count?  Sadly, this year I have nothing up.  My vintage Beistle paper decorations got pretty fried in the sun last year so I need to dig them out and put them on the inside of the door for the Mr and I to enjoy.  We never get any trick or treaters, no one is coming over and it's still 80+ friggin' degrees, so why bother?  I'll just wait for Christmas to make an impression.

How about you?  Halloween-ish. Autumn theme, or do dead flowers count?

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  1. Well we had a real spider web but I took that down yesterday so I guess we are not decorated for Halloween at all now.

  2. I hung a banner from the Dollar Tree on the front door, haven't even dug out my actual fall decorations.

  3. That door picture is so pretty!

    I decorate for all the major holidays, year round. I have set places I rotate things in the house. I have set days it goes up and cones down. So it is a very quick process. I switched to a 5’ tree, so even Xmas is easy.

    It is all stored in easy to find/use way. Everything has a set spot, no thinking required.

    My biggest help - I went thru everything years ago and only saved what I love. And I made myself a promise - if I don’t use it, I have to get rid of it.

  4. The door is pretty but mostly I see a trip hazard! But I'm a klutz and likely to knock over anything in my path ;)

    As per usual, I have grand decorating plans for Halloween and have yet to execute any. I usually get something up by trick or treat weekend. I did manage to plant most of the mums I buy annually from my friends hometown farmers guild. Those usually stay in their pots clustered in one of the beds. I really want to do some sort of tentacle thing coming out of the ground but haven't gotten farther than a supply list.

  5. Dead flowers definitely count. I have a Pennywise doormat that I just bought, I have ripe tomatoes to pick, and one of my rosebushes looks like it's going to bloom one more time this year. That's about as decorated as I'm going to be, a mix of Halloween and clinging onto the tail end of summer. As much as I love Halloween, I don't do much in the way of decorating - because I'm lazy and I'm bad at it and I don't want to have to take it down after the holiday.


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