Friday, October 8, 2021

What I'm Reading This Week #41

Aloha saucy beetch.  Aloha to you all as well.  How was your week?  Get a lot done?  I got all of my Christmas presents and stocking stuffers wrapped and at least out of the way.  I wrapped a certain someone's birthday presents.  We talked about the perpetual Groundhog Day we're in, twitched a little and are happy to welcome the weekend.

Let's see what we've been welcoming into our pie holes this week.

Monday was BBQ Pineapple Chicken pizza and veggies.

Workout was a walk in the park.

Tuesday I had a craving for old school fish sticks (Ian's), baked fries and green beans

Wednesday was almond apple stuffed BBQ chicken breast and Brussels.

Thursday was lentil pasta with low sodium marinara and meatless meatballs with a salad.

Ready to work into...

What You Should Know About Walking for Weight Loss  (All good tips!  You don't even need to be outside if you don't want to! )

Are flushable wipes really flushable?  (No.  The answer is no.)

You can finally get the skin-perfecting magic of retinoids without the irritation  (Anyone else use this stuff?  Am I missing out?  I've got a few sun spots I want to get rid of despite rarely going outside without sunscreen.)

Everything I Used to Make My 22-Square-Foot Kitchen Functional  (For those who also have miniscule kitchens.)

Make Your Home Merry and Bright with These DIY Christmas Decorations  (OMG, yes I know it's early but TOO CUTE not to start on right now)

What to Expect When You’re Expecting to Be a Gen X Girl  (I was cracking up at this even though the timeline is off a bit for me but it's ALL true!)

Kindness endures, the flowers are for you  (Oh my heart.  I get so angry when the elderly are discarded and act like they have nothing to contribute.  Ask these people their stories before they're gone.)

Deer Shows Off Her Babies to Dog Friend Every Year  (Oh my goodness!  How adorable this is and that they've been friends for so long!)

The Mr's birthday is next week but we're celebrating this weekend.  He wants his yellow cake with chocolate icing this year instead of me trying to explain a yellow (or marble) cake with half white and half chocolate frosting to the bakery lady.  I don't mind, I think it's comical but they're always like "uh, it'll look ugly" and I say "it's all going to the same place, he doesn't care."  I did that with his 40th birthday cake and I think it always stuck in his head.  But we're going old school this year and I'm sure he's excited.  He's been quite hard to shop for for Christmas and birthday since he's officially reached the age of "I don't need anything and besides we have no room for it."

What's on your agenda this weekend?

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  1. Looking forward to some good food to celebrate my cake day. I never understood why they gave you such a hard time with doing a chocolate/vanilla cake. Not only does it never look ugly, it tastes great and you get the best of both worlds. Perfect for a Libra like me! Have a great weekend everybody!

  2. Have a great birthday celebration weekend! Weekend consists of two appointments today, laundry, grocery shopping, preparing the kitchen and garage for the fridges that are coming next Thursday, and finishing up some online shopping. Then I go to work tomorrow night and my work week begins.


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