Friday, July 30, 2021

What I'm Reading This Week #31

Howdy all!  I hope you had a great week!  We've been on the struggle bus a bit this week between us and I have to thank the Mr for really being there for me.  I'll likely go into it next week but for now, let's get to the eats.

Monday was Mahi Tacos which we hadn't eaten in forever.

To carry on the theme was turkey taco Tuesday.

We had BBQ shrimp and grits on Wednesday.

Thursday was back to the General and his chicken.

Now let's get to...

The Travel Industry Is a Total Mess, But Everyone Is Traveling Anyway (We saw an influx in shoulder season at the beginning of May and knew it was going to be a crap show this year.  We had already started looking at a 'just in case' Cmas booking in VT before we even left and nothing was available.  Hawaii is an utter mess on so many levels, it will be years before we can go back.  So sad.)

Vacation rentals can lead to costly invasions of privacy  (You would be AMAZED how many people have left their accounts signed in at rentals we've been at.  While we've never done anything on their accounts, we did add a few extra "unique" movies to their watchlist and sign them out.)

10 Musicians Who Refused to Let "Weird Al" Yankovic Parody Their Songs  (Damn, there would have been some cool ones in there!  Oh and I can't ever hear the beginning of Gangster's Paradise without thinking it's Amish Paradise...fool.)

The Mr mentioned he might go to his hometown earlier this week but I don't know if that's still in the cards or not but he's basically been locked in with me for weeks and I know he needs his downtime.  I'm going to try to keep my mental cool this weekend as I spent several hours in a full blown panic attack that I haven't had that bad in years.  I'm going to try to drink as much water as possible too because I've sucked at it hard for a good 4 months now and I need to get on the train.

What do you have planned for the weekend?

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  1. I am guilty of 2 and 17 from that one list as well. A lot of others on there, though, make me wonder about people. Ha! Have a great weekend everybody!

  2. I sure hope you guys have a far better weekend than your week has been! Do a lot of "woo-sah" when you need to.
    My weekend is kind of up for grabs because we are enjoying every day as it comes while on our stay-at-home vacation. Thought about doing an IMAX movie this afternoon because only two seats have been reserved, but with the rise in Covid cases we decided not to. I was very excited to wake up this morning to an email informing me my new cabinet is arriving tomorrow! Yippee!!!

  3. #23 on the list is a way of life for me, and #22 is my every weekend.

  4. #23 on the list is a way of life for me, and #22 is my every weekend.


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