Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Hump Day Poll: TOO Good of an Actor

What actor/actress played their character so well that you can’t watch them in any other show or movie without seeing that character?

Peter Krause will ALWAYS be Nate from Six Feet Under to me.  I've followed all of the actors to their respective shows since but I can't see that sweet grin and not yell out "Oh NATE!"  Even now on 9-1-1 while he's nothing like Nate, you see how much of his own personality he brings to every character but I saw those characteristics first as Nate who I fell in love with instantly.

How about you?

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  1. For me I just cannot see Matthew Broderick without thinking of him as Ferris Bueller even though he is nothing like Ferris in real life.

  2. James Roday Rodriquez - Shawn Spencer from Psych, and not Gary Mendez on Million Little Things. I can't unsee him as Shawn.

  3. Yeardley Smith. Every time I hear her voice or see her in something I can't help but see Lisa Simpson.


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