Friday, July 23, 2021

What I'm Reading This Week #30

Well hello Friday.  'Bout time!  This week has dragged quite extensively and we're both done.  Not that some grand plans are in the works but still, who wants to have their days mucked up with work?   I saw that Grandma's place sold and it went for over asking.  At this point, we're all just glad to have that chapter closed since none of us ever felt like it was her place anymore once he moved the hooch in.  I guess they had to clean the carpets, ducts and every surface and it still couldn't get the smoke/drug smell out.  I was surprised it went for more given that fact and I guess I'm glad I didn't see it one last time or I'd probably need bail if I saw him again.  I hope from this point on that I won't ever have to hear the criminal's names in the same breath as his...or I'd be good with never hearing his again either but I digress.

Let's get to da eats.

Monday was steak, tater and veggies.

Workout was MBF Upper Body.

Tuesday was General Tso's chicken.

Workout was a modified T25 Cardio.

Wednesday was Brussel flatbread pizza.

Workout was 3 miler around Grandma's cemetery.

Last night was orange roughy, rice and veggies.

Workout was a 3 miler around a park.

Now let's get to...

6 Things You Didn’t Know a Physical Therapist Could Help With  (Wish I knew the last one when my MIL was suffering with it.)

How to Recover If You Were 'Parentified' As a Child  (I thought by the title this was a load of BS...then I read it.  Adult children of divorce may identify.)

Why You Need to Keep an Empty Vegetable Oil Bottle Under Your Sink at All Times  (This is actually a great idea and I'm probably the last to know)

The Truth About Childfree People  (The judgment is real and as this proves, some of us are doing just fine.  Thankfully I'm now past the age where people can give me the BS, invasive lines like "it's different when it's your own", "you'll change your mind", "who will take care of you when you're old" (guess what, not necessarily your kid!) and my favorite "you're selfish."  I think the most selfish thing you can do is jump into having a child because it's what is expected of you.  Some of us had a parent who didn't realize they weren't cut out for it until it was too late.)

Beware Of 'Shrinkflation,' Inflation's Devious Cousin  (We are seeing this with EVERYTHING which seriously ticks me off.  I would rather you raise the price than act like you don't bump in the bottom of a hummus container to charge me the same for an ounce less.  Oh and this "we have to temporarily raise our prices due to the pandemic" was also a load of crap.  You know those prices are never going back to pre-pandemic levels.)

5 Things in the Kitchen that Concern Potential Home Buyers  (As someone who has scoured Zillow for over 4 weeks, I can say I've seen all of these and thensome.)

As I mentioned, no plans for the weekend that I'm aware of.  I've got some screwed up leg muscles going on from all of the walking we've been doing and I need to spend as much time rolling the feet and doing myofascial release on the shins to try to right it all.  That's as deep as my plans go.  Try not to be jealous!

Tell me you're doing something more fun than that!

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  1. This week has dragged on even if work went fast at times due to being busy in places. Oh well, it's Friday now and even if we have no plans I'll take a weekend. Have a good one everyone!

  2. For the most part I'll be doing a whole lot of Olypics watching in between loads of laundry and working. It truly is the thing dreams are made of (well, I totally dig the Olympics...laundry, meh).


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