Friday, September 11, 2020

What I'm Reading This Week #37

Happy Friday folks.  This week has been a looooong one which I suppose was bound to happen 1) because last week seemed to fly by at a break neck pace and 2) it's a "short" week which always feels a day longer than a regular week.  We've been making new to us recipes again this week mixed in with some old/fast faves.  I've gotta say a few of them took longer to make than I would've liked but they were good so I'll forgive them.

Monday was a chicken pot pie skillet.

It was amazingly good and despite hot weather, felt good to eat.

Tuesday was shallot risotto with zucchini and shrimp.

I hate how long risotto takes but damn that was good.  

Wednesday was back to a quick one of BBQ pita pizza with roasted broccoli.

Gotta love the classics.

Thursday was a Brady-esque update of pork chops and apples with mashed potatoes/cauliflower and roasted carrots.

Now it's time to jump into...

It's OK to Grieve During COVID-19, Even If You Haven't Lost a Loved One  (Yes it is and I've done it a few times and I'm sure I'll do it a few more.)

Hannah Did 30-Minute Workouts at Home and Lost 117 Pounds in Less Than 12 Months  (I remember her from the last big Beachbody gathering.  Inspo if someone needs it.)

Why Do Leaves Change During Fall?  (In case you were wondering.)

Holy S**t, this house!!  (The owner of one of my favorite shops is selling her home.)

Too early and hot for Fall outdoor activities so maybe a few B horror movies to get us in the Halloween spirit.

Any plans for you guys this weekend?

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  1. Everyone should make that pot pie skillet recipe. That was a treat and seemed easy enough to make with a little extra time. I agree on that risotto too. It does take some time but man was that good! Have a great weekend everyone.

  2. Drooling on your food pics. I'm all about spackling this weekend!

  3. I'm saving the links to read later today as I, too, am going downstairs to do a 30 minute exercise video while it's still gloomy out. This piriformis syndrome is literally a pain in my butt, so I need to move in hopes it'll help along with the shooting pain to my knee. A ride with the dogs after that, then laundry so it's done before the weekend begins. Then the usual grocery shopping and working this weekend. Enjoy the weekend and hopefully some cooler temps along with it!

    1. Just finished the articles... so good! That cabin was amazing, and the house even more so!! Excellent reads all around. =o)


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