Friday, May 15, 2020

What I'm Reading This Week #20

Happy Friday all!  I hope the week has treated you well and you're ready for some productivity or downtime depending on what you need.  Everything from the mid-back down needed a rest yesterday after my gardening adventures the day before.  We did squeak in a quick lap around the hood just as a storm was rolling in and got home with 3 minutes to spare.  I hoped to grill out some pork chops but it was still raining so I did them on the grill pan with some sweet potatoes and peas/green beans.

Let's grill up...

(This post contains affiliate links for your convenience.  Should you buy through them, I may receive a few cents commission at no cost to you.)

Are You Forgetting What Day It Is?  (I sometimes have to check the day on the phone/laptop especially mid-week.)

How Do You Stop Being Afraid of Everything During a Pandemic?  (Definitely limiting exposure to news.  You will go insane.)

5 exercises to offset too much sitting  (They help for sure)

Chafing: The Complete Guide to Avoid the Dreaded Burn  (Underboob chafe season is here.  I knew this staple of mine would be on the list for prevention!)

32 Patio String Light Ideas for a Summer-Ready Backyard  (Anyone else do this?  If so, do they bring a boatload of bugs?)

25 Delicious Dump-and-Bake Casseroles That Can Be Prepared in Minutes (Cuz sometimes you just don't have the energy for more than that.)

16 DIY Porch Swings to Add Suspended Style to Your Home  (I cain't believe I'm out here on the front porch on the swang just a-swangin'...."  Such big props if you sang that and know what the hell I'm talking about)

How to Become Someone Who Stands Up  (Always have been and didn't care what it cost me.  I still do now but pick my battles depending on the foreseeable outcome.)'

7 Virtual Escape Rooms That'll Keep Everyone Entertained  (Cool!)

Hanalei Bay Resort Webcam  (Kind of nice seeing the beaches empty and the natural beauty.  A great sunset view as always)

Adorable Dog Plays Dead So He Doesn't Have To Leave The Park   (Bwaaahaha!)

I'm hoping I can get the flower food and mulch down between rain showers so we can get the baskets hung on the patio.  Other than that, no real major plans, obviously.  I know they are slowly reopening things this month but we won't be one of them out there as our numbers continue to climb.  We're prepared to not change much for quite a while.

Any plans for the weekend?

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  1. I was forgetting what day it was until I read your first link. But it truly is Friday!! I know it doesn't matter that much overall but at least I still get 2 days where I don't have to babysit a work laptop over the weekend. Have a great weekend everybody!

  2. I've been having to look at the newspaper that arrives every morning at work to figure out what day it is. Then I can't remember later on! No major plans this weekend. I'll do the laundry today after work and we'll grocery shop tomorrow morning. I'll watch Nascar on Sunday but it's during my "sleep time" so we'll see which one wins out. lol Our replacement grill grates are coming today so I'm super excited to clean up the grill and be able to have grilled food again! And there's one thing that really worked out with the stay at home order for me with my new work schedule...I was supposed to have jury duty on Monday but the courts are still closed, so we've been excused. I don't mind serving at all, but considering I would have had to go straight after a 12 hour shift, spend 8 hours at the courthouse and turn around and go right back to work for another 12 hours, I'm thrilled to bits to have gotten than reprieve. =o) Hope you have a fantastic weekend and can enjoy some patio time!


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