Friday, May 1, 2020

What I'm Reading This Week #18

I can't see May 1st without thinking "May Day is Lei Day in Hawaii."  Ingrained in the soul.
I've been a happy girl after finding Cougar Town on Amazon a few days ago.  I loved the first few seasons so it's been a good lead into the weekend.

Now let's lead into...

WFH Posture 101: How to Sit, Stretch, and Upgrade Your Back Game  (The slouch is real)

5 Thinking Errors That Could Sink Social Distancing  (Very good points!)

5 Triceps Stretches to Loosen Up Those Arms  (I needed these this week)

11 Reasons You Have Swollen Fingers and Hands, According to Doctors  (Always on mile 2 1/2 of our walks when knuckledragger syndrome hits.)

The Healing Power of Music, Meditation, and Yoga in Alzheimer's Patients  (Please insist on this early on if you know of anyone going through this!)

What’s the Best Way to Deal with Rude and Selfish People?  (When a head flick just won't do.)

There's Never Been a Better Time to Get Back Into Snail Mail  (Some of us never got out of it.  The only change is no licky da envelope.)

60 Best Types of Flowers You Should Have in Your Garden  (Oooh, ideas!)

33 Things to Do with Mom on Mother's Day Even if You're Apart!  (I'm doing #2 this year.  Well, that sounded unintentionally gross.)

Go on a virtual webcam vacation  (No way in hell can I watch the Hawaii ones right now but I'll be watching otters beat open oysters on their tummies until the 18th.)

The Goonies reunited for an epic virtual hangout 35 years after film came out  (This is awesome!)

I've got some stuff I have to do for our anniversary Monday so I'll be busy in the kitchen in between sanding the fence if the mood strikes.  Today I'll need to clean up or else I'm going to develop a twitch.

Any plans for the weekend?

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  1. I have been meaning to watch that Goonies clip. Glad you posted it here. Happy Friday everyone. It's weird because I wake up thinking how great that the weekend is finally here but then I realize that doesn't mean much anymore since we still just get to sit here at home just without the extra work distraction. Oh well, have a great weekend anyway!

  2. The usual plans for the weekend, which will be working a few hours this morning, then I'll come home and cut the lawn, , post office trip, take the pups for a drive in the country, shower, and do laundry. If the hubs doesn't work tomorrow we'll grocery shop together, or else I'll do it myself. A nap will be important Saturday and Sunday afternoon because I work both overnights. Looking forward to nice temperatures to have the windows open. Enjoy the weekend!


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