
Friday, February 15, 2019

What I'm Reading This Week #7

Happy Friday all!  You made it to the end of the week, pat yourself on the back!   I hope everyone had a nice Hallmark holiday, whatever that means to you.  😊   I'm ready for a few days brain rest, how about you?

Let's snuggle into...

This Is Why Walking Isn't Helping You Lose Weight  (Pfft)

These Are the Life Tips People Actually Use  (I do the "to" field all the time in emails (also because browsers flake out so often, I write it in Word first then copy and paste into the body of the email.)

6 Steps to Turn Regret Into Self-Improvement  (Very good suggestions!)

How to Get Rid of Water Weight Fast  (Nature Calm is the shizz.)

28 Brain Games Guaranteed to Boost Your Brain Power  (Your body isn't the only thing that needs exercise.)

The #1 Payment Killing Your Wealth  (Wow, some solid numbers!)

Deleting People Off of Social Media Made Me a Happier Person, and I'm Not Sorry About It  (Did it!  I can't tell you how much easier I can breathe now!)

11 Truths Only People With High-Functioning Depression Will Understand  (Awesome...90% applied.)

Scared Coyote Trapped in Collapsed Den Can't Wait To Be Free   (Courtesy of the Mr.  Poor lil guy, those eyes)

Hawaii in the Snow Is a Bizarrely Magical Sight — and More Is on the Way  (This is our favorite park on Maui!  It would be so awesome to see this!!)

My Best Friend's Wedding cast reunites for EW's romantic comedy issue   (Holy shiznit, I didn't even recognize "George!"  😲)

I don't think we have any plans this weekend.  I know it won't be sitting in bliss listening to our dishwasher because when you spend 2+ hours troubleshooting why it is louder than the one we had 20 years ago and the manual basically says you're to blame for everything wrong with it and your glasses come out looking like this... don't really feel like hanging out with your new 9-year roommate.  Or it gives you the push to just move.

What shenanigans are in your weekend?

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  1. Sigh... What does it take to have halfway decent luck with appliance purchases? Have a great weekend everybody!

  2. I'm so sorry the dishwasher is not what is should be. That just sucks, especially for that kind of money. Ughness.
    I don't have much planned other than a meeting and grocery shopping tomorrow since we are due to get snow on Sunday. I'll also be working in the office to get rid of more stuff. It's the room I tend to ignore the most and then get stressed out with how bad it is. So it's time to just do it.


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