
Friday, February 8, 2019

What I'm Reading This Week #6

Friday is upon us!  WOOT!!!  Well, the dishwasher let us know in no uncertain terms that it was on the fast track to tappin' out.  I thought we'd lost it yesterday but a reset of the breaker kicked it out of a cycle it was stuck in and then made a few horrible noises while washing so guess what we get to buy this weekend?  We're splurging for the Bosch 42 decibel, and given what we're paying over our 44 decibel one, it'd better be a noticeable difference.

Let's wash up and get right to...

7 Post-Workout Mistakes You're Probably Making  (So eating a batch of mac and cheese alone in a dark corner is bad?)

13 Functional Exercises You Can Do At Work  (Good stuff to loosen you up whilst chained to your desk.)

We may finally know what causes Alzheimer’s – and how to stop it  (I've seriously been doing this every other day now since reading this two weeks ago.  Apparently that threat was enough to make me do it regularly.)

14 Toxic Thoughts To Let Go Of If You Want To Be Happier  (Yep, all of 'em)

10 All Too Relatable Comics About Coping With Anxiety  (I find looking at pictures of Toy Fox Terrier puppies is 99.926% likely to pull me out of a funk for at least 15 minutes.)

10 Things in Your House That Could Be Making You Sick  (I've got some cleaning to do.)

8 Myths of Happiness You’ve Convinced Yourself Are True  (All true but I'm 100% sure a bigger kitchen would make me much happier.  I sometimes walk in, sigh in disgust and leave.)

8 Times People Hated A Job So Much It Made Them Ill  (*raising hand*  This is exactly why I left my last job.  I put on 60 lbs in a year from stress eating, had panic attacks frequently and the day I left, I literally lost my hearing for 20 minutes after my supervisor yelled at me for having my work done.  I had my resignation letter on my desktop for 6 1/2 months and at the end of every day, adjusted the date to the next day.)

Woman Finishes Marathon Carrying Puppy She Rescued Along The Way  (You can't handle the cute!)

What to Change When You Move Into a New Place  (Mr, take note for when we move into the new place in Vermont.)

You Just Got KonMari'd  (Pretty sure the Mr and the other hubby's "doing time" at Goodwill are all singing this.)

Yesterday the Mr got to the point where he couldn't even stand and was in intense pain.  He's had back pain getting progressively worse especially this week.  After 3x telling him to go to the chiro and hearing him yelp in pain, I picked up the phone at 3:45pm, called the chiro and had him in by 5pm.


So he's got SI joint dysfunction, and the doc ordered him off exercise for 48 hours after popping, drilling, rolling and stretching him because he said he'd be sore.  He's all "I should be fine tomorrow" to which I responded with a hearty laugh for 2.14 minutes.  I'm sure even if he feels pain, he won't tell me now but it'll be easy to spot.  So he's off that, and I've got a LOT to get done today, so I'd better get to it.

Tonight is our Fiesta Friday or whatever you want to call it.  I'm looking forward to a fun evening and getting to know my family member's other half better because we never get any alone time with them.  Hopefully, all goes well as I ply them with Mexican deliciousness and fried ice cream.  (We're weighing in this morning and hoping for the best.)

What are you into this weekend?

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  1. okay, now I understand why you laughed so hard. I really thought I might feel at least slightly better this morning. So far, no good. Have a great weekend everybody!

  2. The Kon MarMari'd video was hilarious. I'm pretty sure my son feels that way every summer when we go through his room - even though I make him choose what to keep/toss/donate. He hates it, but if i dont make him do it he will never get rid of anything.

  3. Such great articles! That song is a hoot! The anxiety comic book was darling and I giggled with the Anxiety monster in bed with her. Ha! I hope the Mr. feels better this weekend. And I hope your Fiesta Friday is a lovely time with lots of laugh and no stress (and lots of fried ice cream of course).

    I lead a meeting tomorrow morning, then we are grocery shopping early and going out to Outback with some gift cards we have for an early dinner. I'll be gathering all the tax stuff together for Monday's trip to the douche, er, unprofessional tax man. Sunday we are due to get more snow (on top of the ice we already have!!!!) hence the shopping tomorrow instead. So that will be my laundry, cleaning, and shoveling day. Somewhere in there I will need a nap because my inner 5 year old is a cranky old lady this week. lol


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