
Friday, September 21, 2018

What I'm Reading This Week #38

Happy Friday everyone!  Sorry I was absent yesterday, we've got some crap hitting the fan right now so posting could be erratic depending on the circumstances.  I'm glad it's the weekend though and ready to hopefully jump off the mental hamster wheel for a few days.

Let's get right to...

5 Unexpected Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes  (Lurve me some sweet potatoes!)

Your Weekly Checkup: New Dangers Found in a Common Pain Reliever  (Scary stuff.  I used to pop ibuprofen like candy as a kid due to headaches)

14 ways one type of exercise is the closest thing to a miracle drug we have  (If you don't start exercising regularly after reading this, you're askin' for it.)

10 Science-Backed Health Benefits of Bananas  (Five days a week baby!)

If Your Partner Has Anxiety, Read This  (Good tips to be supportive, for sure.)

This Regret-Filled Widower Has the Most Touching Relationship Advice Ever  (Grab the tissues)

Hip Flexor Pain Is Basically The Worst—But You CAN Fix It  (I can vouch, sitting screws up EVERYTHING!)

Eating Salad Every Day Keeps Your Brain 11 Years Younger  (*starts washing lettuce*)

The 10-Minute Daily Ritual That Will Revolutionize Your Relationship  (Seems so simple but you'd be surprised how often you don't do this!  John Gottman is the man.)

Hallmark Channel's Countdown to Christmas Schedule  (I can't wait for Christmas at Graceland especially since I've been there for it!  I'm a little miffed they don't have Marrying Father Christmas on here though.  I've been waiting 8 months to find out when it's on!)

The weather is supposed to be a little less disgusting around these parts, so a friend is coming over to go to a craft show.  I wonder how drunk we'd be if we made a drinking game out of seeing the words "blessed," "thankful" or "grateful" in farmhouse font on everything in sight.  Probably sloshed under a tent 20 minutes later.

What are you guys into this weekend?

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  1. I am looking forward to a nice perfect weather day for a change and I sure hope it stays that way because I would really love it if we could start to enjoy that patio before it gets too cold to do so. Happy Friday everyone!

  2. Have a great time at the craft show! I can attest how dangerous they can be with the temptations. LOL

    I have a meeting tomorrow morning, then a dental appt at noon. We're cutting the lawn today when I get home from work since it'll be in the 60's!! Wahoo!!! The hubs birthday and our 20th anniversary are next week so I have a few things to finish up there. I'm looking forward to gorgeous weather and already have a long sleeved shirt on today in anticipation. Ha!


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