
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Last Summer Fun Poll

Happy Hump Day everyone!

Fall finally gets here this weekend, and no one is happier about that than me.


This has been a summer, y'all.  This was probably the worst summer to put a new habit of walking first thing in the morning into practice because every day I started off a sweaty beast with the humidity.  There were a few weeks it just was NOT going to happen.  You open the door and can't breathe, and it's like "nope!"  But I suppose the positive peeps would say "but you did it most days so that proves you can."  Mmm hmm.  As my favorite time of year approaches, I thought I'd look back on this summer and do a high and low of summer 2018.

High:  When the patio was FINALLY finished.  Not the first time it was finished, and they had to come back out.  The second time they were finished and had to rip half of it out because they suck.  Just being able to put everything back on the patio and know it was the last damn time we had to do it was not only exhausting but felt like we could finally exhale.  We'd moved that stuff THREE TIMES and some of it was not light.  So being able to look out back and see the finished product is just a relief.

Low:  Same project but I'll actually say the heat.  Even when we were done with the patio, it's not like we could go outside to enjoy it.  Too much humidity and blazing heat made it uncomfortable to be out there on a nice day but even cloudy days were awful.  Any rain we got was not that relieving rain that brought cooler temps, it just made everything more steamy and unbearable.  I felt like I had a sheen all season.  It was because of that heat that we also didn't paddle much this season which stinks.  Hopefully, fall will be more cooperative.

What were your highs and lows of this summer?

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  1. I'm with you on both of those. So much rain made many days unbearable and steamy a lot and paddling out of the question. I just want a nice mostly dry fall with sunny days and cool but not entirely cold temps. Oh and can we get fall foliage for more than a week before that big windstorm comes along and ruins it all, please?

  2. We need rain here, we had a super dry summer followed by a couple of monsoon style storms that dropped almost half our year's average precipitation over about one week and in about 2 hour spurts (we got over 2 inches in an hour in the worst). Followed by more nearly 100 degree days and zero new precipitation. I don't like humidity much either though, so I guess I'm just too picky for my own good.

    Highs - The trip to Yellowstone was fantastic! Also, even though my hand was almost shaking as I wrote the check getting central air conditioning installed was definitely a high point and with the continued heat I'm grateful for it every day.

    Lows - The summer seemed really really short. Everyone I talk to seems to feel the same way, so I know it's not just me thinking that. I got a lot of projects done around the house, but felt like it was all super rushed and I didn't do some of the things I had planned to do. Specific low point... the basement flooded three times due to a water heater failure, and then twice when we got those monsoon style rainstorm and now I've been waiting weeks for the guy I hired to try to fix it to show up.

  3. Yeah I hope we never have a project that makes me want to rip my hair out. When we painted a few years ago I felt like that. We didn’t have the right tools and it was a pain.

    High of the summer- seems like I had more time off between vacation and taking care of mom.

    Lows - more time off without any money

    We are starting to have some beautiful days around here. Clear skys and that dry breeze that says fall is in the air. Hope your days are dry and cool:)

  4. Highs: Getting to two outdoor craft shows in three months, which I never do. And getting my spare room 75% cleaned out so I can use it for the antenna tv due to DISH issues with a network. It's become my little fortress. lol

    Lows: The wicked heat and humidity in August and this month as well as the deluge of rain the entire summer (as I look outside at more rain) which closed the dog parks due to rivers flooding. That has been a bummer for the pooches.


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