Friday, July 27, 2018

What I'm Reading This Week #30

It's been an exhausting week on so many levels and I'm just happy it's Friday.  Anyone else ready to hop on the Friday train?  Woo whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!

Let's chug on into...

Healthy Weight, Healthy Mind: Challenging Our Core Beliefs  (I had to laugh a little when this popped up in my feed as this is right in line with some stuff I'm already doing right now.)

10 Common Errors Made In Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy  (Very good info)

The Surprising Added Benefit of Having Sex  (Get down!)

How I Gave Up My Tupperware And Got My Life Back  (I get it but there's still some work to be done to get there for me.)

Kevin Smith On His Post-Heart Attack Life: 'Never Thought I'd See My High School Weight Again'  (As usual, Kevin is wordy and if sailor mouth and weed offend you, don't watch.)

If You're Choosing Not to Have Kids, You'll Want to Read This  (Eh, read it if you want but it always fascinates me how no one ever says any of that crap to the Mr like "But you'd be such a good dad" "You'll change your mind and then you'll be too old." "There are so many people out there who want kids and are unable to have them." "You'll totally regret this." )

Con Watch: Why a Hacked Router Is “The Worst Thing That Can Happen to Computer Users”  (It's astounding how many people don't do this and leave themselves vulnerable.)

Childhood pen pals reveal how they fell in love  (Aww, sweet!)

Cooking With Jeff Goldblum and Special Guest  (For all of the Goldblum fans out there...aka the Mr and I.)

Watch sign language interpreter translate heavy metal concert  (Could not stop laughing)

Pesky dog hilariously wakes up sleepy cat for playtime  (OMG, so cute!  Not pesky at all and lucky the cat didn't bitch slap it like cats do.)

Men are terrified of playful dog  (DUDES...for real!?!?!  That pup is the sweetest thing ever just look at that tail wagging!!)

There are a few festivals going on within a couple hours drive so we may go to one  if the mood strikes us (and let's face it, it's corn dog season and I haven't had one.)  It's actually supposed to be nice too so we've gotta soak that in while we can!

Whatchu up to this weekend?

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  1. Awesome links as always. Happy Friday everyone!

  2. Plans fell through for the weekend. Hanging out with my little this weekend. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. Lots of zipping around on Saturday, then all the chores on Sunday. LOL Have a super weekend!

  4. Thanks for the links. It's really nice of you to share them. :)


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