Friday, July 20, 2018

What I'm Reading This Week #29

It's Friday!  Woo hooooo!!!!  (I refuse to call it "FriYAY."  If a phrase makes me want to flick the person in the forehead who invented it, I can't in good conscience use it myself.)

Let's slide right into...

9 Tips For Keeping Your Gym Shoes Clean and Smelling Oh So Fresh   (Breathe deep!)

6 Expert-Approved Ways to Calm Your Anxiety Enough to Get Some Effing Sleep  (Try to get dem zzzz's!)

What's Really Holding You Back From Losing Weight?  (For anyone who may struggle with emotional eating)

This Surprising Factor May Raise Your Risk of Alzheimer’s   (Another good reason to keep it under control)

5 Simple Stretches That Will Soothe Your Knee Pain  (Word!)

14 Magic Phrases to Instantly Calm Your Anxiety  (I surrender...Ghirardelli brownie.  Oops, that's probably not what they meant.)

Ocular Migraine: What Spots and Flashes in Your Vision Really Mean  (The Mr and I have both had these and while it's freaky at the time, make sure you pull over if you get one while driving.)

Imagine Dragons Singer Completely Sculpts His Body in Just Months  (Really inspiring comeback from his autoimmune disease.)

I stopped drinking completely for 2 years — and it showed me how the world treats sober people differently  (Tell me about it.  People act like you've got some contagious disease if you tell them you don't drink.  When the only thing that will shut strangers up is that you're a recovering addict even when you're not, this society has a problem.)

You’ll Really Miss Robin Williams After Hearing The Voicemails He Left For Billy Crystal  (How wonderful to still have those to listen to.  I still have VM's from Grandma that are just as bittersweet.)

6 Incredible ’80s Movies Getting A Much-Deserved Sequel Or Reboot  (Seriously Hollywood, get an ORIGINAL idea!  Reboots are LAME money grabs.)

A 25-foot statue of Jeff Goldblum has been erected in London  (*books ticket to London*)

It's supposed to be a potentially rainy weekend so we'll have to play things by ear on our end. 

How about you?  Any plans?

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  1. Playing it by ear can sometimes be fun. Just glad it's Friday. Have a great weekend everybody!

  2. I agree w/ your take on "FriYAY." It its me the same as "My bad." Are we in preschool?

    I hope you enjoy your plan free weekend. I'm sure you'll keep yourself occupied.

    I have a long to do list I've been procrastinating on and now a group of friends wants to do the Marie Kondo thing and motivate each other to get our houses cleaned. I started with my closet in the fall and still haven't put together the pieces I bought to install in the closet to help organize. So I guess that is tops on my list. Most everyone else on it is yard work which is indefinitely postponed due to the monsoon which is settling in over the Ohio Valley.

  3. With the hubs having shingles it'll be an indoor weekend for me aside from a few standard errands. I plan to work in the office and toss as much stuff as possible before my tombstone reads: Death by Paperwork

    I hope you guys can get out and about a bit and don't end up with humidity and skeeters after the rain. It rained buckets today while I shopped for the work folks...I was a drenched dog. =o)

  4. We went to a Milwaukee Brewers game on Saturday, Sunday is a car show. Yes, we are going to places that currently have fewer people than are in Oshkosh this week for EAA. However, the proposed drone show looks like it might be a fun thing to view. Hope I get to see some of it.


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