Friday, July 13, 2018

What I'm Reading This Week #28

(via Giphy)

Let's hack right into...

Healthy Weight, Healthy Mind: 8 Negative Thoughts that Interfere with Weight Loss  (Definitely some good things to keep in mind)

I Am Fat. I Still Deserve Good Medical Care.  (Truth.  I'm lucky to have a good gynie but the general practitioners have a lot to learn about listening.  When I tell you that I exercise and eat right 6 days a week and have lost over 200 lbs, your form letter of my results should not tell me to exercise more and eat right.  Douche canoe.)

The One Part of Weight Loss You're Ignoring—and Shouldn't Be  (I'm working on this as much as I can.  I can attest living on cortisol the week before last does nothing to help the scale budge.)

A New Diet Isn’t The Solution To An Old Diet Not Working  (Food for thought.  See what I did there?)

What Just One Glass of Wine Does to Your Brain  (That's scary)

This Is The Biggest Regret in Life Most People Have  (I always think about one of the last things my FIL told the Mr before he passed was not to live his life to make other people happy.  He knew he was a lot like him and I think at the end of his life he wished he'd said no to a few more things, stood up for himself more and didn't want to see his son go through the same thing.)

Questions for Couples  (These have been a fun way to spend the evenings)

TV Cast Changes (2018-2019)  (Dammit Connie Britton!!!)

30 of America's Most Classic Drive-In Movie Theaters  (We missed the Bangor drive in by a week when we were in Maine.  :-(  )

Halloweentown's Marnie and Kal Are Dating in Real Life, and It's the Most Magical Thing Ever  (*Halloweentown lovers explode with confetti*)

Keep cool during the heat wave  (A little naughty, a little nice!)

It's supposed to be hot again...shocker.  I'm hoping that we'll be able to sneak in some fun stuff here and there even if I have no clue what that entails.  I do know that my outdoor pictures for the patio are supposed to arrive today so that should check the "done" box on that one. 

Any plans for the weekend?

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  1. I love that Jason gif, hilarious! I have no idea what I want to do this weekend but I am sure glad it's the weekend and it's not a grocery weekend either!

  2. We have some car stuff to take care of first thing in the morning tomorrow, then I have a hair appointment. After that, it's just house stuff, grocery shopping, and filing papers and keeping up on the pile of EOB's that have come in that I need to keep in order for taxes. And some kiddie pool time for the pups will be in order. =o)
    Have a super weekend!!

  3. Wow thats quite a reading list. I went swimming and celebrated my grandsons 2 birthday.


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