Friday, February 23, 2018

What I'm Reading This Week #8

Wow.  Two months of the new year under our belts guys.  How crazy is that?!

Let's rocket into...

If You Have This Surprising Habit, You Could Increase Your Risk of Breast Cancer  (Go for the natural stuff)

40 Tips for Men Who Want To Lose Weight After 40  (Good things to keep in mind)

Healthy Weight, Healthy Mind: Pay Attention to Lose Weight  (It can easily sneak up on you)

10 Tiny Changes That'll Help You Drop Serious Pounds  (Great places to start)

100 Home Repairs You Can Do Yourself  (Save yourself some money, honey)

I Took Turmeric Shots Every Day For 1 Week, and Here's How My Body Reacted  (Why am I intrigued?)

12 Oatmeal Alternatives That Are Just As Hearty  (Hmm, I'll have to give a few of these a try just for some variety.)

Alzheimer's Disease Is Completely Reversed by Removing Just One Enzyme in New Study  (How amazing would this be?)

Is Winning the HGTV Dream Home Actually a Nightmare?  (I've often wondered this)

Since I was knocked off my arse Wednesday night with a revenge of the legs scenario, I'm taking off all forms of exercise and stretching until Sunday.  I'm sure we'll probably go out for lunch or something tomorrow but not a ton of stuff on the agenda for the weekend.  Ugh, I just remembered it's grocery refuel weekend.  Sigh.

What are you up to this weekend?

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  1. I hope you get some solid rest for all your body parts. xoxo. I'm leading a meeting tomorrow morning, then finishing up the details of our taxes and taking care of house stuff. So not exciting, but necessary. I'm hoping for temps in the 40's so the dogs can enjoy some time outdoors.

  2. It has been a week but TGIF! Last bits of February just about done here and that is kind of hard to believe. Have a great weekend everybody!


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