Friday, February 2, 2018

What I'm Reading This Week #5

Anyone else watch this Bill Murray classic(Affiliate link)  I know we are today as we do every year and I'm pretty dang excited about it!

But before the festivities, let's get right to...

The Truth About How Much Exercise You Need to Lose Weight  (This is kinda good news, yo)

12 Instant Mood Boosters You Won't Want to Live Without  (These are all excellent!)

7 Unexpected Reasons Why You're Not Losing Weight  (Some calorie free things to chew on.)

Meal Prep Your Way to Success  (For those who want to take the stress out of meal planning)

9 Surprising Reasons You're Tired All the Time  (It's 1:32 am right now for me, does that have anything to do with it?)

How These 10 Winter Health Myths May Be Harming You  (My family STILL believes going out in the cold will make someone sick.  It makes me pop-someone-in-the-lip ragey when I hear that.)

40 Weight Loss Tips for People Over 40  (Ugh, when did articles like this start applying to me?!)

15+ Important Financial Dates to Mark on Your Calendar  (Good to know!)

Crock-Pot Responds to Faulty Slow Cooker In 'This Is Us' Episode  (Didn't want to post this last week and be accused of not giving people enough time to watch it.  Now this serves as your friendly reminder that Jack's demise will be televised after the Super Bowl THIS SUNDAY.  This is the worst idea ever but I get why they did it.  Still stupid.  Set your DVR to record an extra hour or two after the Super Bowl ends or risk it cutting off and you falling to your knees ala Marlon Brando yelling STELLLLAAAAAA!)

It's been a crazy week being pulled in many different directions but I'm happy to report we're getting out of town for a little winter get together with friends.  I'm ready!  Just remember...whatever the groundhog says...Spring is no closer and there is always at least one or two more dropkicks from Mother Nature before all of the sopping mud season kicks in.  It's like people think flowers immediately pop out of the ground the second the calendar flips  Sorry, just bringing you Spring people with short memories back to reality!  Bwaaahahaha!

What do you have planned this first weekend of February?

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1 comment:

  1. Tomorrow will be busy - the boy's basketball game, housework, grading, a pedicure (after 40+ years I've decided to let someone else take care of my toes, I'm worth the expense), and then I have people coming over on Saturday night. Fortunately I have nothing at all planned for Sunday, except maybe giving a swimming lesson which is just fun.

    I really liked the winter myths link. I know a lot of people that still believe a lot of them, and even knowing better I tend to load up on vitamin C when I feel a cold coming on. I know it's a placebo effect, but I'll take any help I can get even if it's imaginary.

    I'm definitely going to try that quinoa bake. Maybe I'll put it together Sunday for work lunches next week.

    Have a great weekend.


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