Monday, August 21, 2017

Whirling Weekend Recap

Happy Monday all!

It was quite a weekend of both extremes around here.  Friday I was finishing up some work that ended up taking me much longer than anticipated and I blew past the Mr's wishful cut off by about 5 hours so he could get to cleaning.  Oops.  There was nothing that could be done though, I had to power through.  When I was done, he got to doing his part and I did mine and then we had to workout.  Jessica Smith kicked our butts and we customized 3 miles on our favorite workout  (affiliate link) from her and before it was over I was already feelin' it!  After that we ate dinner and I had to make a list for the grocery of all of the stuff we needed for our cookout the next day.  When we got back, it was 10:00 pm and I had to start prepping.  The confidence the Mr had prior to us leaving on how far ahead we seemed was quickly shattered when I began my work.  I was done about 11:15 pm before he could really get in the kitchen to do his part.  It really stinks to love cooking so much but have a kitchen that barely supports another butt being in there with you at the same time.  Sigh.

Saturday I wanted to make sure we got out for a little bit and I even had a timeline put together of when I needed to start preparing some stuff.  We went out for lunch which was meh and that's the third weekend in a row of crappy food for me.  Do I seriously have to cook everything all the time to eat something good???  Then we went to a few stores and putzed around before heading back home.  I needed a nap, like not in the leisurely way, like in order to function.  I didn't actually sleep but I rested my eyes for 40 minutes and then it was time to get to it.  Of course my 20 year old buffet warmer decided to go kaput on me at the wrong time.  I transferred stuff to pots and pans and told the Mr to get it into the garage where it shall await certain death.  I was a tasmanian devil of activity for a good 2 hours even after our friends arrived.  An ill timed downpour meant it was muggy, our outdoor carpet was soaked and a gathering on the lanai would be out.  I was still able to use the grill to do burgers but that was all that happened out there.  We had burgers, dogs, potato salad, baked beans and corn on the cob.  They brought dessert and drinks.  It was a lot of work even with all I pre-made but I thrive on it especially when you see people enjoying what you did and go back for seconds and just get rub your belly full.  We had good conversation and gabbed until just after midnight.  Then the Mr and I gabbed until almost 2 am before I called it a day.

Sunday morning I didn't set alarms and I slept in until about 9:30 am for the first time in I don't know how long.  I was awakened a few times during the night with really bad leg cramps which meant the week was catching up to me.  I asked the Mr if he would be so kind as to dig out the demons and he did so I could walk.  He went down and cleaned up the kitchen the rest of the way and I made brunch.  When we were done,  he declared about 30 minutes later he was tired so I did a wee little bit of work.  When I saw how comfy he looked on the couch, I decided I'd grab a blanket and curl up.  I didn't sleep much but it was nice to just lay there and chill out.  We could've done a ton of other things but chose to be lazy since that's what weekends are for sometimes and it was quite heavenly...until his dentist robo-called us and I decided to start gabbin' with y'all.

So now, we're heading toward 6 pm, the day is gone and we still have a grocery refuel and workout to do and dinner to be eaten at some point.  There goes that chill feelin' I was reveling in.  Pffft.

Oh and I know I have smart readers so I don't have to tell you but just in case someone is tempted...don't look at the eclipse today if you value your eyesight at all.

What did you guys do this weekend?

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  1. Sounds like a busy weekend yet you got a little time to recoup. Friday we went to my friend's Mom's memorial. It was done by a substitute priest, couldn't help but notice how impersonal it was. Saturday I headed up North to the zoo where they had a "feast with the beasts". It was so cool, music, food trucks and bands right in the zoo. Was so nice to see Hubby's family. Got up early and cruised back home, made Mom breakfast and then took a 3 hour nap since we gabbed until 2am. Cut the grass, walked the pup and made Mom dinner. Ended the night with a long bubble bath. Great weekend. Looking forward to September 16, the next plan free weekend!
    Have a great week!

  2. What a weekend! Lots of work but worth it to have a clean home and some good times with friends. Looking forward to the eclipse today even if it isn't a total one in our neck of the woods. Since eclipse glasses are 1)hard to find and 2)questionably safe since tons of them are being recalled I have provided us the old school method of eclipse viewing. 2 pieces of cardstock, one with a hole punched in it to allow a projection of the eclipse through to the other piece of paper. I remember doing that as a kid in school when we had the last total eclipse in 1979 and I was amazed at what I saw on that piece of paper. I hope weather cooperates for us today but even if it's cloudy, we'll at least get to see the day turn to night for a couple minutes. Then we can watch what it does to confuse all the plants and animals around us.

    1. Any links to a "how to" for your method, Mr. Mister? :) Just kidding!

  3. Sounds like a really busy but fun weekend! Isn't it sad when you go out to eat expecting good food and it just isn't what you were hoping? We've gotten to the point where we just prefer to cook at home because it's so much better than going out (plus we can usually make it for way less money). Have a good week!!

  4. Today is the first day of school, add the eclipse into it and it should be madness. We'll be taking kids out in batches to look, apparently the school got some glasses but not enough for everyone all at once. I'm going to take my individual classes out for a few minutes at a time and use the old cardstock trick - except what I have is actually foam paper plates instead of cardstock. It'll be interesting for them to see the progression.

    I remember seeing the eclipse at school in 1979 too.

  5. Sounds like it was a really good weekend for you -- busy, but fun and satisfying. I did the usual around here and was really feeling it in the backs of my legs and my butt from the gardening. By last night it was pretty hard to walk. That's just sad! LOL I had three things on my list to get done, and I was thrilled when I finished the last one in mid-afternoon. Today will be more of the same. Today is hot and muggy but the rest of the week is supposed to be in the mid 70's. Woot!!

  6. I got to go to our church campground and spend the day with our friends there, played some "volleyball" and just got to recharge and laugh like I haven't been able to do in a long time


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