
Friday, August 11, 2017

What I'm Reading This Week #32

Well this week didn't pass quite as quickly as last week but I'm happy to have gotten to Friday all the same.  Can I get a witness?!

So let's roller skate right into...

15 Wellness-Focused TED Talks That Will Inspire You to Live Your Happiest (and Healthiest) Life  (Looks like I've got some stuff to listen to)

How To Stop Stress From Stealing Your Joy  (All of this makes sense but it's also easier said than done.)

What Might Happen If You Walk 30 Minutes a Day  (Might have to put this to the test)

Why Drinking This Kind of Tea Could Help Shed Those Last Few Pounds  (What if you need to shed like a third grader on the scale?  Holy crap, I actually have this!  *runs to kitchen*)

22 Tasty Breakfast Recipes That Also Promote Weight Loss  (I'm not seeing that new IHOP French Toasted Donut on here, what gives?)

How to Build Resilience in Midlife  (Good tips)

Bring On the Exercise, Hold the Painkillers  (Yike, good to know!)

A Guide On How To Fight Your Outrageous Hospital Bill (And Win)  (In case anyone needs it)

13 Closet Organization Ideas You'll Want to Steal Immediately  (Mr, this is why I asked for a towel bar!)

These LOL-Worthy Homework Assignments Fail So Badly They Win  (These are so funny...there are some creative kids keepin' parents on their toes out there.  #20...funny, so do I!)

17 Salty Cross Stitches For Sarcastic Home Owners  (I'm going to stitch most of these as stress relief.  SOOO funny!)

Well, after a mishap with a degreaser, I will be repainting way more of the banister than I wanted to today.  I had other things I wanted to get done but we have company next weekend and I'm not one of those people who can be like "just ignore the half painted banister."  Plus we've got a lot of cleaning to do but I do want to get out and about for at least a few hours.  Edit:  Okay so at 10:45pm when the Mr went to bed, I started painting.  About 15 minutes in, I realized I was wearing my favorite T-shirt so I took it off so I could put on my painting clothes...which were in the bedroom and I didn't want to disturb him since he can fall asleep in 30.7 seconds.  So I painted in my underwear until 12:30am.  If I'd be...RealLifeYo.

What do you have planned this weekend?

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  1. Painting in your skivvies, too funny! I have a 1/2 day today then to the vet with pups, then time for my little sister time. 2nd visit, I think this match will be fun!

  2. Wow. I wake up and the painting is done, then I find out you were painting half nekkid. Sorry I missed that! But good job! Happy Friday everybody!

  3. Good reads! "Don't Do Coke in the Bathroom"??? Some of those signs were too funny. Oh, and the pimento cheese recipes - AWESOME! Have a great weekend!!

  4. One of the best lines I've ever read in the Resilience article: "So if you were born into a family of Eeyores, you can still find your inner Tigger." This cracked me up!! And #21 on the homework list -- pricless! ROFL

    I have a few stores I want to go to over the weekend, but for the most part I need to work on housecleaning. If ever I was in a mood to pitch stuff, it's now. LOL The weather is supposed to be in the high 70's so if there's no humidity, that would be perfect. Now go put some clothes on, girl! Bhahaha!!


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