
Friday, January 6, 2017

What I'm Reading This Week #1

The first WIRTW of the new year!

I'm sure the theme will seem familiar given the calendar flip so let's get right to...

11 Things Healthy People Never Say  (Well la ti dah!)

10 Ways to Get Back on the Fitness Wagon  (Hop on board!)

A Winner of The Biggest Loser Opens Up About Gaining Nearly Every Pound Back  (It happens to the best of us girl.  Just get back to it)

Body Shaming ANY Body Is Bad For Everybody  (Get it, girl)

29 Easy Recipes to Help You Stick to Your Healthy-Eating Resolutions  (Yum!)

40+ Small Ways to Help You Hit Your Weight-Loss Goals   (Every little bit counts!)

17 Ways to Change Your Body in 2017 to Get Stronger, Leaner, and More Toned   (Word)

Why It's Important to Stop Drinking Shots of ACV  (A burning hole in the esophagus?)

This Adorable Newborn Puppy Photo Shoot Will Make Your Heart Melt  (OMG, I can't!)

The 6 Stages Of Sharing A Bed With Your Significant Other  (I literally had to stop reading halfway through at first because I almost pee'd myself laughing!)

We had a little bit of snow yesterday but nothing that will get me out shoeing anytime soon especially since it's set to warm up.  Stupid global warming.  Apparently I will never have winter again unless I move to New England.  I don't want to constantly be called a flat lander for the rest of my life so that's not an option.

For any Sleepyheads still left out there, Sleepy Hollow returns tonight!  WOOT!  Mison for my eyeballs baby.

Whatchu guys got going on this weekend?
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1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to Sleepy Hollow but not sure what to expect. It looks like practically an entirely new show and that can go either way sometimes. Happy Friday everybody!


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